We collect information about any 8- or 16-bit system that is now considered obsolete. Sometimes we will highlight the occasional newer system if we feel it belongs on our site. And there are occastions where we include a system because it is so damn interesting that we just have to include it. Maybe system only differs slightly from a pre-decessor and has only a new CPU or a new sound-chip. We still try include it so that you have a good sense of the evolution within a line of computers.
Retrobug uses information from printed publications, experts in the field, online resources and from our own collections. We spent hours translating non-english information, collecting and scrubbing the data and present it in a comprehensive and easy to read manner. We include links to collections of books, magazines and other publications that you can read online. While much of the information is publicly available online somewhere else, Retrobug aims to be a central source for as many systems as possible.