Soviet Era Computers  Sintez 2
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Signal Sintez 2

The Sintez 2 was produced in 1991 by the Signal company in Moldova. The computer was a ZX Spectrum clone, which were very popular in the Soviet Union prior to it's collapse, due to the fact that the architecture was not complicated and easy to clone.

The Sintez 2 does not have a ULA chip, but instead uses circuitry entirely built from TTL logic chips. There is no TV output, only an RGB connector. The computer was produced at a time when the Soviet Union collapsed, and the demand for Spectrum Clones had fallen. Most of the Sintez 2 computers that were produced were eventually recycled without ever being sold to the public.

Technical Details
Released 1991 Brand Signal Type Soviet Era Computers Name Sintez 2 Clone Of ZX Spectrum CPU Class Z80 CPU Zilog Z80A @3.5MHz Memory RAM: 48kB
ROM: 16kB
Sound Chip none Sound 1-bit sound Display Chip none Display 32x24 Text, 256x192 16 color graphics Best Text 32x24 Best Color 16 colors Best Graphics 256x192 in 16 colors Sprites none System OS Sinclair BASIC
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Sintez  2 (1991)
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