A podcast dedicated to the 16/32-bit Atari ST/STe/TT/Falcon line of personal computers.
So you got an Atari ST? (Maybe for Christmas too! :) )
Great choice! This episode will explain what you need to get started using your Atari ST computer. You will need a display, a mouse, and a storage device to get started.
Errata: UltraSatan was designed by Miroslav Nohaj, not Miro Kropachek. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
Show Note Links
Monitor Replacements
15khz wiki - http://15khz.wikidot.com/
ST-to-VGA monitor adapters
Centurion Technologies - https://centuriontech.eu/product/st2vga-r4/
Exxos Store - https://www.exxoshost.co.uk/atari/store2/#0170
Best Electronics - https://www.best-electronics-ca.com/monadapt.htm
OSSC retailers
Video Game Perfection - https://videogameperfection.com/products/open-source-scan-converter/
SCART cable
Cool Novelties - https://coolnovelties.co.uk/coolnovelties/atari-st-video-cables/39-atari-st-quality-rgb-gold-scart-video-cable-070569350544.html
TT030 Tenox VGA adapter
Github page - https://github.com/tenox7/tenoxvga
Legacy Pixels Shop - https://www.legacypixels.com/atari/
Falcon 3-in-1 adapter
Exxos Store - https://www.exxoshost.co.uk/atari/store2/#0146
Mouse Adapters
Wireless Mouse Adapter
Github page - https://github.com/simoninns/SmallyMouse2
Lotharek Shop - https://lotharek.pl/productdetail.php?id=270
Retrohax Shop - https://retrohax.net/shop/amiga/wireless-mouse-adapter/
Retro Lemon Shop - https://retrolemon.co.uk/atari-st-ste-falcon/101-wireless-usb-mouse-adapter.html
Retrohax Shop - https://retrohax.net/shop/amiga/mouster/
Retro Lemon Shop - https://retrolemon.co.uk/atari-st-ste-falcon/133-mouster.html
Floppy Drive Replacements
HxC Floppy Emulator
HxC Author’s Main Page - http://hxc2001.free.fr/floppy_drive_emulator/
Lotharek Version F - https://lotharek.pl/products.php?id=42
Lotharek HxC Max - https://lotharek.pl/products.php?id=11
Retrohax Shop - https://retrohax.net/shop/amiga/hxc-floppy-emulator-rev-f-by-lotharek/
Retro Lemon Shop - https://retrolemon.co.uk/10-hxc-drive-emulators
Preparing a generic GOTEK drive for the Atari ST (YouTube video)- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOhRBR66DS0
Centurion Technologies - https://centuriontech.eu/product/goex4st/
Pre-Configured Atari ST GOTEKs Search on EBay
FlashFloppy Firmware Website
Github - https://github.com/keirf/FlashFloppy
YouTube video on How to Create a Drive A/B Switch
14-pin DIN Atari ST floppy cable adapters
Hard Drive Replacements
Inventronik ACSI-SCSI adapter
TOS 1.04 ROMs
B&C Computervisions 2-chip set - https://www.ebay.com/itm/133230528296?hash=item1f05288728:g:okYAAOSwn~tdwdit
B&C Computervisions 6 chip set - https://www.ebay.com/itm/131980589633?hash=item1ebaa7fa41:g:6YQAAOSwgihdLoYm
Exxos Store - https://www.exxoshost.co.uk/atari/store2/#0124.
Hard Disk Drivers
HD Driver
PPutnik Driver
ICD Hard Disk Utilities Pro
From Jookie’s Ultrasatan Page - http://joo.kie.sk/?page_id=306
SD-Based Hard Disk Adapters
Jookie’s (the Designer) Ultrasatan Page - http://joo.kie.sk/?page_id=192
Lotharek Shop - https://lotharek.pl/products.php?id=15
Retro Lemon Shop - https://retrolemon.co.uk/32-ultrasatan
Github website - https://github.com/retro16/acsi2stm
Seller on Atari-Forum (“Masteries”) - https://www.atari-forum.com/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=40018
Robert Matyschok ACSI2SD Webshop
Interial Computing - https://store.inertialcomputing.com/SCSI2SD-s/100.htm
RaSCSI GitHub site
Inventronik - https://shop.inventronik.de/index.php?id_lang=2
The MEGAFILEs Atari ST Podcast website
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Patreon: themegafiles
This episode gives an overview of the Atari ST/STe/TT/Falcon series of personal computers released by Atari Corporation.
Show Note Links:
SYSINFO - Shows details about your Atari ST computer.
The MEGAFILEs Atari ST Podcast website
themegafilespodcast. Feedback welcome!
Twitter: @TheMegafiles
Instagram: themegafilespodcast
Facebook: The MEGAFILEs Atari ST Podcast FB Group
Patreon: themegafiles
An overview of the podcast plans and introducing myself.