Worth listening to.
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Note: Podcasts marked with ‼ have not had an update for more than 120 days, and are deemed inactive. This status will automatically update when the podcast creators publish a new episode.

Hosted by Chris, Logan and Sam, “A Bit of Retro†is the podcast with three friends. These super serious gamers are here to re-live all things old school without nostalgia goggles and give you their honest and often hilarious recounts of these pivotal times throughout entertainment history.

A lively, accessible and entertaining weekly retro gaming podcast from Keith, Adrian, Dylan and James @ www.arcadeattack.co.uk. We will cover whole episodes on single retro gaming classics, discuss the latest retro news and topics, broadcast interviews with some of the true legends of the industry or whatever else may take our fancy! Like what we do? Please support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/arcadeattack Or, buy us a coffee on Ko-fi: https://www.ko-fi.com/arcadeattack

Did you ever wonder why they sent a plumber to take out Donkey Kong? What Yar was seeking revenge against? ATARI BYTES is more than a game review podcast. It's an exploration of the games to divine what exactly the story within the game is. And if we can't find those answers, we'll make 'em up.

Each episode of this monthly podcast covers one game out of the 71 original games released for the Atari Lynx between 1989 and 1994. Included in each monthly episode is a run-down of each game's statistics, credits, gameplay, graphics, music and sound effects, recent selling prices on eBay and retro gaming retailers, and reviews and memories from listeners about the featured game.

Join Jason (Producer from Atari) and Adam (game design lead from Adamvision Studios) as they delve into the original concept and development of the Recharged series. Each week they'll explore a new facet of the project, share insights, interrogate special guests, and inevitably get a bit distracted along the way.

The Atari XE Gaming System was a version of their XE 8-bit line of computers but attempting to compete against the successful Nintendo Entertainment System. At the same time offering the computer option. Our podcast will focus on the cartridge games made for this system but, because this is essentially an atari 8-bit computer, we'll also review games that will play on this system.

Retro and Modern Video Game enthusiasts. Collecting games, and playing them are not only our passion but our lives. Old games, and new, if it's out there, we'll play it, review it, suck at it, and talk about it. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/boxtrick/support

Each episode, we discuss at least one classic game each, looking at them from a modern perspective but also remembering where they stand in the evolution of game development. Sometimes they're games we played and loved growing up. Sometimes they're games we missed and are experiencing for the first time. Though we each have our core beloved genres, we all play a variety of games of various styles, eras, and platforms.

It’s time to gather round your console and join the finest gaming community in all the land. If you are looking for equal parts random life story and absurd video game analysis, then join hosts Eric, Dan, and Tom every few weeks for a light-hearted, tangent-filled romp through gaming history.

On The 1st of every month, Listen to three friends who have too much useless knowledge in gaming.Discussing the history and our first experiences with consoles and video games, to the classics, the forgotten, the down right bad, nothing is too obsolete to talk about! Follow us on twitter @PodcastObsolete or email us at theobsoletegamingpodcast@gmail.com for any questions or ideas for future episodes.

Video game music podcast and retro gaming that spans across multiple platforms in an attempt to bring game audio, history, awareness and some of the gaming culture to people that share a similar passion. So sit back and enjoy the melodies. Visit us online at pixelatedaudio.com

A quarterly podcast featuring roundtable discussion about retro and classic video games from the 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32/64-bit eras. Each episode, our crew picks a theme and reviews a selection of games that fit within said theme. Join us as we strive to bring you a great show that's both informative and entertaining.

The most definitive retro gaming podcast on the planet. You can expect monthly episodes full of classic gaming news, views and opinions from around the world. Each episode will be overflowing with content and will include: Interviews, Editorials, Console and Computer Game Rants, Raves & Reviews From Both Sides Of The Pond, Arcade Game & Pinball Reviews, Rulesets & Hardware Discussions, and Monthly Top-10 Lists.

Retro Hangover is a podcast in which your hosts, Shane Koski and Chris Coplien, spotlight a different piece of video game history (be it a specific title, console, company, or person) each episode. They provide a brief background, discuss their personal experiences, as well as their favorites aspects of the item in question. Oh, and there's beer.

Join us for the Retrobits Podcast! We talk about computing like we did it "back in the day". If it's got 8 bits, paper tape, a cartridge slot, CP/M, BASIC in ROM, or if it's just plain old...the Retrobits Podcast is the place to hear about it. For more info, check our website at http://www.retrobits.com

The original classic gaming podcast continues its endless quest to explore the history of video games, one game at a time. Join hosts Jeremy Parish and Bob Mackey each week as they team up with a host of expert guests to chronicle the creations that have paved the way for today's hits. From forgotten black-and-white arcade machines to modern-day remakes, Retronauts spans more than four decades of vintage gaming greatness!

This podcast where Ashley and Chris, two game fans, bang on about games from their own personal gaming history whilst failing to avoid the conversational side streets that pop up. Each week, one of the pair presents a game from their childhood, alongside a potted history of its development and any personal stories linked to it.

Watch Out for Fireballs! is a game club podcast, focused on retro and non-current games. Every week, we play a game in its entirety, then discuss its merits and flaws at length. Most episodes begin with a short sketch, and we're pretty liberal about keeping tangents in. But it ultimately comes down to: Why do we like (or dislike?) this game.