On Topic Retro is a bi-weekly video game retrospective podcast. Each episode a game is chosen along with a panel of "experts" and we deep dive into experiences, development, gameplay, and music. Join us and enjoy the rich experiences from great perspectives.
On tonight's episode i'm joined by Philip Paulson AKA Flightsy and Joe AKA SNES is Life! We spend lots of time getting lost in Metroid Fusion as well as collecting enough power ups to finish the episode in one piece!
Intro (0:50)
House Keeping (1:45)
Experiences (6:13)
Development (16:42)
Story (25:16)
Gameplay (38:11)
Music (1:29:22)
Outro (1:31:30)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
Intro and Outro created by the one and only Adam Caporello!
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
Welcome to OTR "Becoming the Hero", a podcast series on the Legend of Zelda game series! This episode is Part 2, I'm joined by Shannon Eno, Chris Logel, and Derek Adams as we take a deep dive into the game that turned the Legend of Zelda into a side scroller for better or worse! Please enjoy this and share, be sure to give that lady some water!
Intro (0:50)
House Keeping (2:25)
Experiences (4:03)
Development (14:44)
Story (38:18)
Gameplay (54:11)
Music (1:41:35)
Outro (1:44:24)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
Intro and Outro created by the one and only Adam Caporello!
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On this episode Sam Wagers and Philip Paulson join me to talk about DKC 2! This episode was almost an after thought just like Donkey Kong in the game, but we pull of the funky flight and take you to Kong Kollege!!!!
Intro (0:50)
House Keeping (3:43)
Experiences (7:42)
Development (22:55)
Story (33:48)
Gameplay (42:30)
Break (59:34)
Music (1:40:22)
Outro (1:45:44)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
Intro and Outro created by the one and only Adam Caporello!
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
Welcome to OTR "Becoming the Hero", a podcast series on the Legend of Zelda game series! This episode is Part 1, I'm joined by Shannon Eno and Adam Caporello as we take a deep dive into the game that started it all, the titular Legend of Zelda! Please enjoy this and share, it's dangerous to listen alone!
Intro (0:50)
House Keeping (2:40)
Experiences (4:00)
Development (26.24)
Story (50:32)
Gameplay (1:01:26)
Outro (47:36)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
Intro and Outro created by the one and only Adam Caporello!
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On this episode I'm joined by Shannon Eno to discuss the Retro Rewind game of May! Dynamite Headdy! Join us as we try to wrap our heads around how hard this old school Treasure game really is!
Housekeeping: DKC 2 will continue on into June as the RR game! Go collect those DK coins for a chance to win $10!
Intro (0:50)
House Keeping (3:17)
Experiences (9:03)
Story (19:29)
Gameplay (29:03)
Outro (47:36)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
Intro and Outro created by the one and only Adam Caporello!
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On this episode Liam and I go to the races with Super Mario Kart! Come listen and don't spin out at the light as we grab an item box and have a great discussion!
Retro Rewind Champions!
Intro (0:50)
House Keeping (1:25)
Experiences (5:58)
Game Development (14:26)
Gameplay (22:11)
Gameplay Continued (38:10)
Outro (54:09)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
Intro and Outro created by the one and only Adam Caporello!
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On this episode, Bozo and I breakdown March's Retro Rewind game, Wave Race 64! Be sure to join the RetroLogic discord to vote for our monthly Retro Rewind game and participate in the Retro Rewind Champions contest for a chance to win $10 for your game shop of choice!
Intro (0:50)
House Keeping (3:25)
Experiences (8:04)
Game Development (22:05)
Gameplay (27:07)
Gameplay Continued (35:15)
Outro (52:58)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
Intro and Outro created by the one and only Adam Caporello!
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On this episode im joined by Eston Huff and Tim Aulph (Nintendo Dad No. 4) from the Film Logic Podcast. We fill our misslie tanks and talk plenty of Metroid Prime! The remaster just came out so it's the perfect time to go prime!
Intro (0:50)
House Keeping (2:30)
Experiences (6:46)
Game Development (29:33)
Story (53.38)
Gameplay (53:58)
Outro (1:16:13)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
Intro and Outro created by the one and only Adam Caporello!
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On todays episode, I'm joined by Shannon Eno to talk about a Gameboy staple, Tetris!!!
We avoid the pile up of legal battles, but still find a way to fill this episode up to the top!
Season 2 housekeeping : New Intro/Outro, Retro Rewind Champions, and Merch!
Intro (0:50)
Experiences (6:08)
Game Development (13:50)
Gameplay (24:33)
Other Games and Media (27:23)
Outro (46:45)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
Intro and Outro created by the one and only Adam Caporello!
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On this episode I'm joined by Shannon Eno and Presto the Magnificent from the Off the Wah! podcast! We spend some time discussing the great puzzle platformer Fire N' Ice on the NES! Come check out our slippery assessment and decide if you gain the fire to go play this game!
Intro (0:40)
Experiences (2:41)
Game Development (15:35)
Story (19:00)
Gameplay (24:33)
Outro (36:43)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On tonight's episode of OTR I'm joined by Liam Davenport(RetroGroove), Mute Dog, and Bozo to discuss the ultimate N64 party game! Super Smash Bros. Also an event that may or may not have happened. Tune in to find out!
Intro (0:40)
Experiences (2:45)
Mains (18:10)
Game Development (24:01)
Gameplay (39:07)
Outro (43:48)
Check out Mute Dogs Youtube channel here for great Nintendo content!
Also check out this page on Slamfest '99
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
This week on OTR, Shannon and I talk about Dec's Retro Rewind game, The Legend of Valkyrie! This game became playable on the Nintendo Switch recently thanks to the Arcade Archives series! Come see what we had to say about it!
Intro (0:40)
Experiences (2:12)
Game Development (10:56)
Story (24:44)
Gameplay (35:34)
Outro (43:48)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On this special Christmas Episode of On Topic Retro I talk to Flightsy, Spidershan, PrestotheMagnificent, MaddieBeth, PurpleRiolu, and Octorock himself, about our favorite Christmas memories! After a bit the show gets off topic as it tends to do and we get into the generational gap between my guests! All in all we have a blast!
Intro (0:40)
Memories (1:37)
Off Topic Gen (43:53)
Outro (1:15:00)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On this episode i'm joined by Philip Paulson AKA Flightsy himself, Will Schulz, and Chris Logel and we duke it out in a super discussion on the one and only Super Punch-Out!!
Intro (0:40)
Experiences (4:48)
Game Develpment (27:02)
Gameplay (42:02)
Outro (1:16:04)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On this episode I'm joined by Liam Davenport and Sam Wagers and we get our hands dirty harvesting a premium topic, Harvest Moon 64!
Intro (0:40)
Experiences (1:00)
Game Develpment (23:47)
Story (36:44)
Gameplay (41:16)
Outro (1:23:05)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On this bonus episode of OTR i'm joined by Shannon Eno and Adam Caporello to discuss the titular Xenoblade Chronicles 3! This show is full of *SPOILERS* so only tune in if you have played the game already! Join us if you are looking for something a little more meaty, as this is the episode with the gall!
Intro (0:40)
Experiences (2:55)
Game Develpment (41:11)
Story (47:31)
Outro (2:40:59)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
This episode Shannon Eno and Chris Logel join me to talk about X-Men for the Sega Genesis! It's not our favorite, but we still have a lot to say!
Intro (0:23)
Experiences (2:00)
Game Develpment (10:37)
Story (15:55)
Gameplay (25:25)
Fun Facts (50:27)
Outro (58:25)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
In this episode I'm joined by Chris Logel to discuss the often forgot Comic Zone. This is one of Sega's wildest ideas for a beat em up and it leaves us wanting more!
Intro (0:23)
Experiences (2:00)
Game Develpment (14:00)
Story (28:58)
Gameplay (34:57)
*Spoiler*-Ending (44:41)
Fun Facts (48:20)
Outro (50:12)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
Tonight on this special Pokemon episode, I'm joined by no other than Dan Caporello and Will Schulz! We become pokemaniacs as we look back at where the series started!
Intro (0:23)
Experiences (7:26)
Game Develpment (29:28)
Story (40:39)
Gameplay (45:35)
Outro (1:22:47)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
This week I'm joined by Will Schulz and we enter a phantasy of Master System madness! Join us as we discuss the masterpiece Phantasy Star!
Intro (0:23)
Experiences (1:11)
Game Develpment (8:13)
Story (26:55)
Gameplay (31:50)
Outro (54:52)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On tonight's episode I'm Joined by the DK man himself Dan Caporello! We discuss the bite sized Donkey Kong Land and how it compares to it's console counterpart!
Intro (0:23)
Experiences (3:41)
Game Develpment (11:59)
Story (18:21)
Gameplay (23:27)
Outro (40:21)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
This microsode goes out to an amazing little puzzle/action game called Amazing Penguin! Hopefully you will want to help Pendrich save his kingdom after listening to this!
Intro (0:23)
Experiences (0:50)
Game Develpment (1:47)
Story (4:22)
Gameplay (5:42)
Outro (14:43)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On this Episode Sam Wagers and I discuss the Retro Rewind game for the month of August! Eliminator Boat Duel or Elimonator Boat Duel! Whichever you prefer!
Intro (0:23)
Experiences (2:00)
Game Develpment (12:29)
Gameplay (18:22)
Music (31:00)
Outro (35:53)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On todays Microsode I talk about a little Gameboy game called Alleyway! If you don't have a way to play this gem, go forth and find one!
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On this episode of OTR, I'm joined by Adam Caporello and we blast our way through the red tape on Alien Hominid! We find our way deep into discussion 51 and escape safely!
Intro (0:23)
Experiences (2:00)
Game Develpment (15:52)
Story (29:03)
Gameplay (31:41)
Outro (55:48)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On this episode of On Topic Retro, i'm joined by Chris Logel, Philip Paulson, and GalaxyWolf from Discord! We go off the rails and talk Kirby 64 until exhaustion!
Intro (0:23)
Experiences (2:15)
Game Develpment (14:44)
Story (30:16)
Gameplay (36:57)
Off Topic Retro (1:12:14)
Outro (1:31:37)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
In this weeks Episode I'm joined by the Eric AKA King of the Floaters from All N a Nintendo Podcast! We talk at great length all things Super Bomberman, as well as other random things that relate! Come listen as we have a blast!
Intro (0:23)
Experiences (1:54)
Game Develpment (24:18)
Story (37:15)
Gameplay (41:54)
Outro (1:35:59)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
Artwork by: Mike aka the Ambassador, aka fight Crab Fanatic
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On tonights episode of OTR Retro Rewind, i'm joined by Philip Paulson aka Flightsy! We take a deep deep deep dive into the game, maybe deeper than we should have. You will just have to listen to find out!
Intro (0:23)
Experiences (4:19)
Game Develpment (14:24)
Story (17:20)
Gameplay (20:24)
Outro (1:23:50)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
Tonight I'm joined by no other than Chris Logel and Will Schulz to discuss a classic NES title that swings into action with great promise! That title is non other than Bionic Commando!
Intro (0:23)
Experiences (4:44)
Game Develpment (11:42)
Story (22:50)
Gameplay (27:16)
Outro (1:03:08)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
Tonight I'm Joined by Sam Wagers and the Nintendo Pals themselves Andrew(Andross) and Micah(Mitch) to discuss one of the most prolific run and gun games ever made! Gunstar Heroes is a true gem on the Sega Genesis and is a must play!
Intro (0:23)
Experiences (4:28)
Game Develpment (24:32)
Story (40:01)
Gameplay (48:45)
Outro (1:14:58)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
Artwork by: Mike aka the Ambassador, aka fight Crab Fanatic
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
Today I talk about Solomon's Club! The lovely Gameboy port of the popular puzzle platform game Solomon's Key! I hope that this will inspire you to go out and find a copy to play yourself!
Intro (0:23)
Experiences (1:00)
Game Develpment (3:14)
Story (4:56)
Gameplay (7:02)
Outro (16:13)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
This week I'm joined by no other than my normal co-host on Retrologic, Dan Caporello and special guest Chris Logel! We break down the good and not so good time we had with Earthworm Jim 2! Rose tinted glasses get us everytime!
Intro (0:23)
Experiences (1:43)
Game Develpment (24:28)
Story (34:27)
Gameplay (41:20)
Outro (52:33)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
Artwork by: Mike aka the Ambassador, aka fight Crab Fanatic
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
On this very special bonus episode of On Topic Retro, I'm joined by no other than the man, the myth, the podcast marathoner! Jon Bassi himself! We discuss at great length the great game, Ghost of Tsushima! *SPOILER WARNING* we do talk a lot about the story. So, I have added time stamps to help those who just want to hear about the development and gameplay to avoid the story! Please find the time stamps below!
Intro (0:23)
Experiences (2:00)
Game Develpment (8:26)
Story (16:43)
Gameplay (1:05:11)
Outro (1:35:36)
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
This week i'm joined by Seth Sturgill and Shannon Eno to talk about one of my favorite Gameboy games ever! DK 94' is on the menu and we made sure to feast!
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
Artwork by: Mike aka the Ambassador, aka fight Crab Fanatic
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
This episode I'm joined by Adam Caporello, Will Schulz, and Tim Aulph to discuss the funkiest Sega Genesis game to ever bless the platform!
Be sure to check out this Podcast and more at: retrologic.games
If you want to send your experiences in to be read on the show, send them to ontopicretro@gmail.com
If you would like to join the friendliest Discord community on the internet click the link here!
This episode of On Topic Retro i'm joined by Sam Wagers and Philip Paulson to talk Pikmin and all the crazyness that goes along with it!