Retro Gaming Revelry
266 episodes - last episode 24 Mar 2023

A retro gaming podcast in which 2 drunken buffoons play and review old video games! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

Holy moley! The guys are back! After a LOOOOONNNNGGGG hiatus, Earl and Jurek return to play Zero Wing on the Sega Genesis! "All your base are belong to us!" Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded way back on July 1, 2022. That means it's been at least 8 months since an episode has come out. We've got a bunch in the can, and they will all get out soon! To get us back on track, we're only releasing the episodes, and skipping things like an intro/outro. Thanks for sticking with us, Revelers! We've missed you!


This episode has Jurek and Earl taking control of everyone's favorite Avengers (and Hawkeye...) as they play Captain America and the Avengers on the SNES! This game is a pretty standard beat em' up, with not too much to write home about. The music is just fine, but the game looks great! The guys also discuss their thoughts on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday May 13, 2022. Yeah, yeah, yeah... we're obviously a little behind! We give a great big thanks to those that are sticking with us! Episodes will keep coming out, but probably at a pretty slow drip feed. Thanks for listening, Revelers!


This episode features the shows first original Xbox game! Earl and Jurek play the multiplayer hit Fuzion Frenzy! The guys have an absolute blast playing this game! They played with two real players and two computer players, but this game is dying to be played by four actual people at once. The games are fun, easy to learn, and very fast paced! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday April 15, 2022. Our episodes are getting farther and farther apart but we promise we're working on getting back to a regular two-week schedule. Thanks for sticking with us, Revelers! We appreciate you! 


NOTE: This episode is pretty much UNLISTENABLE!! There is an odd audio click that happens every few seconds and it's extremely annoying. The only reason it's getting posted is for posterity's sake!

This week Jurek and Earl take on a little more Metroid Prime! The guys have a bit of a tougher go-around this time, as they get to a boss and have some difficulty getting past it! All in all, Metroid Prime turns out to be a great game, with some major flaws. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday April 1, 2022. Again, this episode is barely worth listening to! The audio is horrible! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!! But thanks for listening, Revelers!


Could it be? A new episode of Retro Gaming Revelry?! After a months long hiatus, the guys are back! This episode sees Earl and Jurek playing their first Gamecube game on the show! The guys try out Metroid Prime! This game turns out to be pretty fun, if not a little frustrating. Even in 2002 they were still trying to figure out first person shooter controls, and while they are almost there, it's still a little hard to control. Despite the controls, the guys have so much fun with the game, they decide to make it a two-parter! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded way back on Friday March 4, 2022. Sorry about the long delay between episodes. A lot of life is happening for both of us and we don't have the time we used to to devote to the show. That said, we are still recording and still planning on releasing episodes when we can. Thanks for listening, Revelers! ~Earl


(WARNING: The first 2 minutes of this episode have a terrible audio click that is pretty annoying to listen to! Skip to the 2 minute mark if you'd prefer to skip the terrible audio! Thanks! ~Earl) This episode has Jurek and Earl continuing to play Super Mario RPG on the Super Nintendo! The guys are a little bit farther into the game than last time, and have just as much fun! They also discuss the latest Nintendo Direct! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday February 11, 2022. As you can see, we are WAY behind on releasing episodes, considering it's now April! Many apologies for the delay, Revelers! Big thanks to those that have stuck with us! Also, we are terribly sorry for the poor audio in this episode. We have since figured out the issue, but weren't aware of it while we were recording. Thanks for listening, Revelers!


It's been another ten episodes, so you know what that means, Revelers! Earl and Jurek will be playing a Mario game! This time it's Super Mario RPG for the Super Nintendo! The guys go through the beginning of the game and wax nostalgic on it because it's just soooooo good! The controls, the music, the gameplay are all top-notch, but the best thing that came out of this game are the characters! There are truly some memorable characters in this game that we basically have never heard from again, which is a shame! The guys will continue with a later part of the game next time! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Thursday December 30, 2021. Right around the 22 minute mark of this episode there is a weird audio cut. We somehow lost a few seconds of Audio and don't know why, so when you hear it, just move past it! Thanks for listening, Revelers!


The boys are back! After a little (or maybe kind of long?) holiday break, Jurek and Earl are back and this episode they play Crossed Swords on the Neo Geo! This game is super weird! It's got RPG elements mixed with a Punch-Out type playstyle! The music is severely lacking, but the game ends up being pretty fun to play! The guys also field a Reveler requested discussion question! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday December 3, 2021. It's been a while Revelers! Sometimes life happens and podcasts are unable to be put out, but we're back now and hopefully on a more regular schedule! I know we've said that before, but we (probably) mean it this time! As always, thanks for listening, Revelers!


This week Earl and Jurek thought they were going to get their edu-tainment on, but were pleasantly surprised that Goofy's Hysterical History Tour for the Sega Genesis turned out to be a fairly decent platformer! Despite it's ridiculously long title and punishing difficulty, the game plays pretty decently! It looks great and the music is passable. It's main downside is every time you die you have to start the level completely over! I mean come on, ever heard of checkpoints?!? The guys also have a Reveler submitted discussion question! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday Nov. 19, 2021. So far, this is the only episode in which we don't have a single drop of alcohol! I know... blasphemy! But Earl had just received his booster shot and was advised against drinking. We'll be back to our regular ways next time. Thanks for listening, Revelers!


The boys are back! After an accidental hiatus, Jurek and Earl make a triumphant return by playing Twisted Metal on the Playstation 1! While the guys can see why this game was so popular at the time, it has not aged particularly well. This game is screaming for twin stick control, which just isn't available on most PS1 games. They manage to have a little fun with it though! And the music features some real bangers! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday November 5, 2021. Hopefully we're back to our regular recording schedule of every two weeks! Sometimes life just gets in the way, ya know?! Thanks for listening, Revelers! 


This episode sees Earl and Jurek taking control of giant monsters and destroying everything as they play Rampage World Tour on the Nintendo 64! The guys knew this game was fun, but had forgotten just how fun it can be! It truly shines when playing with two or more people, as it's just too much fun to destroy city after city with your buddy! The game is surprisingly charming and full of humor! The guys also discuss the latest Nintendo Direct! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday September 24, 2021. Don't forget to check out Earl's Retro Gaming Revelry: Reveler Hangout streams on Friday nights! The next one is Friday October 1st! Find it at! Thanks for listening, Revelers! 


This episode sees Jurek and Earl once again teaming up with everyone's favorite mutants as they play X-Men 2: Clone Wars on the Sega Genesis! The game turns out to be pretty fun, but suffers from crazy difficulty! The guys eventually get over the difficulty by playing with some cheat codes and then they have some fun with the game! It looks and sounds great, and it's always fun to play as the X-Men! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday August 27, 2021. We got a little chatty in this one so it's an extra long episode! Thanks for listening, Revelers! 


This episode features Earl and Jurek doing a little bowling... no, wait... that's not right at all! This episode features the guys playing On the Ball for the SNES, which is definitely NOT a bowling game! This game is the true definition of hidden gem! Not many people have ever even heard of it, let alone played it, but it truly is a super fun game! The player spins the board around a marble, trying to get it to the end of the maze. Sounds simple, but it's truly complex and did we mention fun? Because it's mega fun! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday July 30, 2021. This one is a week late due to a bunch of life conflicts, but we got it released eventually! There also won't be a new episode until September 3, 2021. Sorry for the delay, Revelers! In the mean time, be sure to come hang out with Earl as he streams retro games at! The next few streams will be Friday August 13th and Friday August 20th. Thanks for listening, Revelers!


This episode sees Jurek and Earl entering into the world of magic as they play Magician Lord on the Neo Geo! This is one of those rare games that neither of the guys had ever played before! It turns out that, just like almost every game they play, it's super hard! The guys don't get very far but they have some fun trying! Jurek also tries to guess what NES game Twitter thinks is better, based on some random tweets we were mentioned in! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday July 16, 2021. Don't forget to check out the Retro Gaming Revelry live stream every-other Friday (sometimes Saturdays!) at 7pm central at! Come hang out with Earl and play some retro games! The next one is Saturday July 24th! Thanks for listening, Revelers! 


This week Earl and Jurek had to pull an audible and play a game they weren't planning to! All in all, it went pretty well! The guys play Jumping Flash on the Playstation 1 and this game is completely bonkers! It's a glorified tech demo for 3D platforming, but it's filled with quirky charm! The music is nothing to write home about, but the game controls well and is quite fun to play! No discussion question (again!) this week, so please send those in Revelers! Come have a drink with us! Cheers! 

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Saturday July 3, 2021. Please send us those discussion questions! We're desperate! Also, be sure to come hang out with Earl on his bi-weekly (every-other week) Retro Gaming Revelry stream! The next one is Saturday July 10th at 7pm! Had to switch days this week, but they are normally on Fridays! Find it at Thanks for listening, Revelers! 

This episode sees Jurek and Earl jumping into tiny cars and racing through the house as they play Micro Machines 64 Turbo on the N64! This game has a lot going for it, and should be the epitome of fun, but boy is it hard to control! Despite the terrible controls, which theoretically a person could get used to, the music is absolutely banging! And it's still pretty fun to race Micro Machines, even for a couple guys in their 30's! The guys also discuss the latest Nintendo Direct! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday June 18, 2021. We had to take a little break so I (Earl) could go on vacation, but we're back! Also, don't forget to check out every-other Friday night at 7pm central to hang out and play games with Earl! The next two are Friday June 25th and Friday July 9th. Hope to see you there, Revelers! Thanks for listening!

To celebrate our 250th episode, Earl and Jurek are back recording in person! The guys are joined by their friends John and Kat and the four of them play Mario Party 2 on the Nintendo 64! It feels great to be playing something that isn't for the NES or SNES! While they don't get a whole game in, Mario Party 2 still offers plenty of fun! They also discuss their favorite and least favorite parts of quarantine! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Saturday May 22, 2021. We're back recording in person, and as is par for the course for this show, there were a few audio issues! We've got to get back into the swing of things, so thanks for understanding Revelers! So glad to no longer be recording remotely! Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Jurek and Earl play Fire n' Ice on the NES! This game is the sequel to a game they've previously played on the podcast, Solomon's Key! It turns out that Fire n' Ice is a lot less stressful than Solomon's Key, and that's a good thing! This game is actually quite fun, featuring a fun puzzle solving mechanic using blocks of ice! It looks and controls great, but the music is really nothing to write home about. The guys have some serious fun playing this one, though! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Saturday May 8, 2021. Just a reminder that we're now on an every-other week release schedule. Also, don't forget to check out on Friday nights at 7pm central (on the off weeks) to hang out and play games with Earl! The next two are Friday May 14th and Friday May 28th. Hope to see you there, Revelers! Thanks for listening!

This week Earl and Jurek play Operation Logic Bomb for the Super Nintendo! This is a game that neither of the guys have ever played before and it turns out they weren't missing much! The game plays well enough and the music is fine, but it's just a little boring. There are better "search and destroy" type games on the SNES, but this one will do in a pinch! The guys also have a lively discussion about food! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Saturday April 24, 2021. It happened faster than we thought, but we are now officially on the "every-other week" release schedule. This episode is releasing a little earlier than planned so you Revelers have a little time to learn about what we're doing on the off-weeks! We talk about it in the episode, but please join me (Earl) at every-other Friday starting this Friday April 30th at 7pm US central time! I'll be streaming retro games and hanging out with you, the Revelers! For now I'll be playing retro games on the switch, so if you have one too, we can play online together! I'd love to see as many of you there as possible! It should be a fun time! Don't forget the whiskey! Hopefully see you on Friday, Revelers! Thanks for listening! ~Earl

This week Jurek and Earl take control of a couple of anthropomorphic air crafts as they play Twinbee on the NES! This game turns out to be pretty fun, only hampered by... you guessed it, the difficulty! Twinbee was extremely popular in Japan, but not so much in North America, so neither of the guys know too much about the series. There are certainly some interesting things about this game though! Come have a drink with us and find out what they are! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Saturday April 3, 2021. We drop some news in this episode, Revelers. Due to Jurek's increasingly busy schedule, the show will be moving to releasing every other week, instead of every week. But fear not, there is a plan in the works for the off weeks, so stay tuned for news on that! Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Earl and Jurek play a little known game called Psycho Dream for the Super Nintendo! Neither of the guys had ever played this game before, and they come to find out there is a reason for that, which is this game is the very definition of the word "mediocre". Nothing really stands out, as it's a typical platformer of the time, with no real memorable mechanics, music, or art. The game plays fine, and has a few fun moments, but for the most part, it can probably be skipped by most gamers. The guys also discuss some of their favorite music! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday March 26, 2021. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Jurek and Earl harness their chi and whoop some 8-bit butt as they play Kung-Fu Heroes on the NES! This game turns out to be fairly fun, but suffers from the same thing as so many games of this era, the crushing difficulty! The guys couldn't even make it past level 1-4! They figured they must not have known about a game mechanic or something, because the previous three levels were fairly easy. However, the music is all 12-bar blues tracks and kind of slaps! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday March 19, 2021. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Earl and Jurek play Mighty Bomb Jack on the NES! What an odd little game! The movement takes a little getting used to, but it's surprisingly fluid for an early NES game! The game doesn't seem to be too difficult, but likely requires a great amount of memorization for some of the later levels! The music is... fine. The guys also take a Revelers suggestion and find a new source for discussion questions! It's a great resource, but we'd still prefer to hear about the discussion questions you want us to discuss, so please continue to send them in! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday March 5, 2021. We took a week off and you didn't even notice, Revelers! That means we're all caught up on releasing episodes! Thanks for listening!

This week Jurek and Earl go on yet another caveman romp as they play Prehistorik Man for the Super Nintendo! Very surprisingly, the game turns out to be pretty fun. While it was likely lost to the masses in the sea of generic SNES platformers, this game packs in a lot of charm! It's funny, the music is good, and it looks fantastic! The controls are a little slippery, but you get used to them. The guys also field a Reveler requested discussion question! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday February 26, 2021. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Earl and Jurek once again enter the virtual squared-circle as they play Punch-Out! on the NES! This game is an absolute classic and a must-play for any retro game enthusiast! It's incredibly difficult, but can become easier if you learn the proper timing of hits. Spoiler alert! The guys don't have a clue what the proper timing should be for anything in this game, but they still manage to have a blast with it! They also discuss the long awaited return of Nintendo Directs! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday February 19, 2021. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

Hey Punks! Are you Tuff E Nuff to listen to a podcast where two dudes play Tuff E Nuff on the Super Nintendo?! We sure hope so, because that's what we're playing this week! This game might just be the very definition of the words "mediocre fighting game". It is... bland, to say the least. Nothing much stands out in this game, except for maybe the absolutely terrible cover art! Jurek and Earl still manage to have a little fun with this game, but it will definitely go into the "no need to ever play again" pile of games. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday February 12, 2021. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

Well, it's been another 10 episodes and it's time for a Mario game! The guys are scraping the bottom of the barrel for more Mario games to play while this pandemic lingers, and this just might be the last one for a while. This week the guys play Wrecking Crew on the NES! While not a traditional Mario game, the two main characters are Mario and Luigi, so it counts! The game actually turns out to be quite fun, if not a little simplistic, but that is to be expected from early NES games. The guys also take a Reveler requested discussion question! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday February 5, 2021. Some day we'll get caught up on releasing episodes, but that day is not today! Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Jurek and Earl try their hands at Super Dodgeball on the NES! They play a little single player mode but where the game really shines is in it's 2-player mode! The guys have an absolute blast facing off against each other! The game controls well enough, the music is great, and it looks fantastic. What more could you want out of an NES game?! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday January 29, 2021. We're still an episode behind, but like we've said every week for the past month, we'll get caught up eventually! Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Earl and Jurek play a little known game called Super Valis IV for the Super Nintendo! The game is "little known" for a reason. This might just be the most mediocre platformer ever made. It's in no way bad, but it's also in no way good. As Thanos once said: "Perfectly balanced, as all things should be." This game is screaming for some polish. It's like they started making it, ran out of money, and just released whatever bare-bones game was left-over. Not the best game we've played on the show, but also not the worst. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday January 22, 2021. We're still one episode behind, but we'll get it out there eventually. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Jurek and Earl enter a virtual boat race as they play Eliminator Boat Duel on the NES! Earl was very worried there wasn't enough content in this game to get a full episode out of, but boy, was he wrong! While this game probably wasn't very popular due to it's lackluster title, it turns out it's actually incredibly fun to play! It features surprisingly good music and some genuinely funny dialogue. The guys have a blast playing it! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday January 15, 2021. We're still behind one episode. Hopefully we get it out soon so we're all caught up. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Earl and Jurek continue to play Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble on the Super Nintendo! Last time, the guys managed to beat the first world. This time, they are a little farther in the game and get a chance to explore some pretty wacky levels! The guys also discuss which video game character they'd most like to party with! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday January 8, 2021. We are still a week behind on releasing episodes, but we'll get caught up at some point. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Jurek and Earl once again take control of everyone's favorite primate family as they play Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble on the Super Nintendo! Despite the terribly long and tongue twistery title, this game is super fun! As one of the last games released for the SNES, this game has all the bells and whistles! It looks great, sounds great, and most of all, plays great! The guys manage to beat the first world, but they just couldn't get enough of this game so they will be back with part 2 next week! They also field a Reveler requested discussion question. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday January 1st, 2021. We're a couple weeks behind on releasing episodes, so apologies for that, Revelers! We'll get back on track one of these days! Thanks for listening!

HAPPY NEW YEAR, REVELERS!! To celebrate the new year, Earl and Jurek play Journey to Silius on the NES! (Shhh! We're just pretending Journey to Silius is a New Year's themed game!) The game turns out to be pretty difficult, but that is nothing new with these NES games! However, the music in this game is phenomenal and might just be some of the best on the system. The guys don't make it very far in the game, but they have fun trying while also discussing their retro gaming resolutions! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Sunday December 27, 2020. Apologies for the lateness of this episode! It's all my (Earl's) fault! Things get tricky around the holidays! Anyway, we sincerely hope everyone had a happy new year! Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Jurek and Earl take the role of firemen as they play The Ignition Factor on the Super Nintendo! This episode also kinda sorta doubles as our Christmas episode! The game turns out to be pretty fun, but the controls can be a little wonky at times. The music, what little of it there is, is actually quite good and is surprisingly reminiscent of old school RPG's. The guys also discuss their very first video game memories. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday December 18, 2020. Happy holidays, Revelers! We got a little behind in releasing episodes due to the holidays, but we should be back on track now. In fact, our New Years episode will be releasing tomorrow! Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Earl and Jurek try their hands at one of the first games to be released on the NES, and that game is Clu Clu Land! Earl did not have high hopes for this episode, but the game actually turns out to be kind of fun, at least once you get a handle on the controls! In fact, the guys might just try and get the world record 2-player speed run for the game, since it's apparently never been done, which means literally ANY time will be the record! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday December 11, 2020. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Jurek and Earl continue playing Zelda II: The Adventure of Link for the NES! This time they start a little farther into the game than the very beginning and attempt to take on dungeon number 2! As you can imagine, it does not go very well. The game continues to be extraordinarily difficult! However, at least there is some good discussion about Zelda games in this episode! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday December 4, 2020. We got some new gear, Revelers! Hopefully it will make us sound a little better while we continue to record remotely. Let us know what you think by tweeting us @RetroRevelry! Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week marks another ten episodes, in which Earl and Jurek would normally play a Mario game, but lo and behold the guys are completely out of Mario games to play! Instead, they play Zelda II: The Adventure of Link on the NES! In classic RGR style, the guys play the sequel first! This game is hard. Really hard. If you can manage to move beyond the difficulty, the game gets a lot better. As you can imagine, the guys don't make it very far, but will continue Link's quest next week! Also, be sure to stay tuned to hear Jurek's quick review of the movie CATS. Spoiler Alert: He made it 7 minutes into the movie. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday November 27, 2020. There is a small audio issue present in Earl's mic throughout some of this episode. It's not particularly bad, but it clicks sometimes, which can be a little annoying. Apologies for the audio issues, Revelers! Next week we'll have some new gear to try out while we continue to record remotely. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Jurek and Earl once again take control of everyone's favorite little puffball as they play Kirby's Dreamland 3 on the Super Nintendo! This was one of the last games released for the SNES and it really shines! The art style is fantastic and the music is top-notch! The guys get so into playing the game that the episode runs a little long, but they just HAD to beat the whole first world! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday November 20, 2020. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

Well, it was fun while it lasted, Revelers, but Earl and Jurek are, once again, back to recording remotely. This week the guys play S.C.A.T.: Special Cybernetic Attack Team on the NES! Hilarious title aside, this game turns out to be pretty fun! It controls well and the music is great. It's main downfall is level 3, in which you ascend in an elevator at high speeds and it makes you feel like you're having a seizure. Also, as you can imagine, we learn a lot about poop in this episode! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday November 13, 2020. We're playing it safe again and recording remotely until the USA can get this virus under control. Thanks for bearing with us, Revelers. We can get through this! Please wear your masks and stay safe out there! Thanks for listening! ~Earl and Jurek

This week is one of the super rare times in which neither Jurek or Earl have ever played the game! The guys try out Alisia Dragoon on the Sega Genesis! Despite not knowing how to pronounce Alisia, the guys manage to have some fun with this game! It's quite difficult, but it looks great and the music is superb! The guys do a little bit of cheating to be able to get anywhere in this game, but even the cheat codes are difficult to enter! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday November 6, 2020. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Earl and Jurek step onto the virtual pitch as they play Super Sidekicks on the Neo Geo! Neither of the guys had ever played this game before and it turns out that is a shame, because this game turns out to be super fun! It's way more fun than it has any right to be, especially for an early 90's soccer game! This game is arcade soccer at it's finest. The controls are simple, the music is good, and did we mention it was mega fun?! Because it is! The guys also field a Reveler requested discussion question! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday Oct. 30, 2020. Sorry if we're a little loud when we first start playing the game. We weren't expecting it to be as fun as it was and we got super excited. Thanks for listening, Revelers! ~Earl

It's that time of year again... time for our Halloween Spook-tacular episode! To celebrate the spooky season, Jurek and Earl play Ghosts & Goblins on the NES! As you can probably imagine, the guys don't get very far in this game, however, through the magic of cheat codes the guys actually manage to beat the game! What?!?! But they definitely cheated to do it, so it doesn't count! The game is extremely difficult, and is probably the definition of the term "Nintendo hard", but that doesn't mean it isn't fun! The guys also actually have a Reveler requested discussion question! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday October 23, 2020. Happy Halloween, Revelers! Thanks for listening!

This week Earl and Jurek continue to play Donkey Kong 64 on the Nintendo 64! Last week the guys managed to get one whole golden banana (out of 201!), so needless to say there is a bit more of the game to explore! They now have all the Kong's unlocked, so at least they got to try out each different character. Everything in this game takes a while to do, so they really didn't get much farther, but it's really about the friends they made along the way! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday October 16, 2020. Our audio levels might have been slightly off in this episode, so apologies for any crunchiness. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Jurek and Earl play the very first part, literally only the beginning, of Donkey Kong 64 for the Nintendo 64! Turns out it takes quite a while to get ANYWHERE in this game! That said, the game is pretty fun while also being fairly clunky. Mario 64 it is not. The guys still manage to have a good time while getting nowhere! The plan is to continue playing DK64 next week after getting a little farther into the game. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday October 9, 2020. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! The boys are back in the studio! Earl and Jurek are absolutely delighted to be playing ToeJam and Earl on the Sega Genesis while they once again record together in the same room! The guys are thrilled to be playing a game that isn't on a Nintendo system! And what a game it is! ToeJam and Earl is delightfully weird and there really isn't any other game quite like it! The music is fantastic and about as funky as you can get! It looks great and all the enemies ooze personality! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday October 2, 2020. Thank you so much for bearing with us during quarantine. Hopefully we'll be back to recording in person full time, but if we have to go back into lockdown, at least we know how to continue the show! Thanks for listening, Revelers! We appreciate every one of you! ~Earl and Jurek

This week Jurek and Earl don their ninja outfits and try and save the world as they play Shadow of the Ninja on the NES! This game might truly be the definition of a hidden gem! It was lost in Ninja Gaiden's shadow, but it's truly a fun game! The difficulty is high, but there are some cheats that make things a little easier! The weapons are fun to use and the music is some of the best the guys have heard on the NES! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday September 25, 2020. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Earl and Jurek take another look at Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island for the SNES! The guys played this game way back in episode 70, but Earl's Super Nintendo was acting up and not reading the game properly, which was causing the game to freak out! The guys thought they'd take another look at the game so they could play it properly this time! Spoiler alert: it's still a classic and a must-play game! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday September 18, 2020. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

The crack of the bat! The roar of the crowd! The boys of summer are back! This week Jurek and Earl take a swing (see what I did there?!) at Baseball on the NES! While not the first baseball video game to exist, this game was the first time baseball could be played in the style we all know and love! It's very primitive but does provide a pretty fun experience! The lack of music and the inability to control your fielders really hinders the game, but the guys manage to get the most out of it! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday September 11, 2020. The audio was a little off in this episode, so apologies if there is some scratchiness. Thanks for listening, Revelers! ~Earl

This week Earl and Jurek take control of a tiny wizard as they play Solomon's Key on the NES! This game seems like it should be really fun but, like so many games of the time, the difficulty makes having fun almost impossible! The game looks and controls fine, but the music is a little lacking. The guys also field a very interesting discussion question! Also, the news of Chadwick Boseman's passing broke while this episode was being recorded, so the guys take a little time to talk about it. Come have a drink with us! WAKANDA FOREVER!!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday August 28, 2020. Since then, Jurek got married! Be sure to tweet him your congratulations @aktirak! Thanks for listening, Revelers! ~Earl

This week Jurek and Earl once again take to the virtual skies as they play Super Earth Defense Force on the Super Nintendo! The game turns out to be a fairly lackluster entry in the shoot em' up genre. It plays fine enough, but the difficulty is just too much! However, the guys take a little time to learn about Earth's actual defense force! They also play a few rounds of guess the poorly described movie! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday August 14, 2020. One more episode to go this week and then we're back on track! Thanks for listening, Revelers!

We're back, Revelers! After an accidental month long hiatus, Earl and Jurek are back playing River City Ransom on the NES! This game is pretty great and it could be argued that it's the best beat em' up on the NES! It's extraordinarily deep for a beat em' up, including many RPG elements not found in many games of the time! The music is also pretty great! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday August 7, 2020. Apologies for the month long break, Revelers! In the interest of full transparency, it was the end of summer and I was feeling lazy, so I didn't publish any episodes. However, it's fall now and we're back on track, or at least we will be by the end of the week! Expect 2 more episodes this week! Thanks for sticking with us, Revelers! ~Earl

This week Jurek and Earl once again enter the virtual squared circle as they face off in Natsume Championship Wrestling for the Super Nintendo! The game turns out to be the true definition of a button masher! At one point Earl is literally just slapping his controller trying to make his wrestler do something! While the controls leave something to be desired, the music is surprisingly phenomenal! The guys also play a few rounds of "Guess the poorly described wrestler". Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday July 31, 2020. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Earl and Jurek strap on their wings and grab their virtual bows as they play Kid Icarus on the NES! The guys end up having some fun with the game, but it's pretty hard to have too much fun when the game is so frustratingly difficult! This game is an oddball in the NES library, as it's one of a few games that actually gets easier as you progress! Despite the difficulty, the game controls great and has a pretty decent soundtrack. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday July 24, 2020. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Jurek and Earl once again take control of a couple of cavemen as they play Joe and Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics on the SNES! The guys actually have a lot of fun with this game! There is a ton of different stuff to do in the game, even though it appears to be a basic platformer. The game features really vivid colors, which makes it look great, and the music is pretty good as well, but might be a little too "caveman'y". The guys also welcome Abbee on the show as she gives them some poorly described movies! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday July 17, 2020. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Earl and Jurek take to the skies with Fox, Falco, and the gang as they play Star Fox 2 on the Super Nintendo! This is the most recently released SNES game, as it was officially released in 2017! We're still counting it as a retro game because it was developed in the mid 90s! The game turns out to be just ok. Perhaps with a little more time the guys would have liked it better, but the 3D graphics do not age well and the controls are hard to get used to. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday July 10, 2020. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Jurek and Earl do something a little different on the show! Instead of playing a game like normal, the guys will each be listing and discussing their personal top 10 video games of all time! Should be a lively discussion! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday June 26, 2020. We took a week off for the 4th of July but we're back! Let us know if you liked this episode and might want more of this type of show in the future! And please send us your own personal top 10 games of all time! It's harder to come up with than you'd think! Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Earl and Jurek are revisiting the very first Mario game they played on the show! They will be playing Super Mario Bros. 2 on the NES! They last played this game exactly 200 episodes ago, so the guys thought they'd look at it again, now that they have a little more podcasting experience! As it turns out, this game is still one of the all time greats! It also inspired each of them to come up with a "Top 10 video games of all time" list! Stay tuned for that next week! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday June 19, 2020. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Jurek and Earl play two classic games on the NES! First up is Donkey Kong Jr.! This game is a must-play! The port to the NES was very well done, unlike the Atari 2600 port, which is a hot mess! Seriously, go watch some video of that port... it's barely recognizable as DK Jr.! The guys then try out the much less loved Donkey Kong 3! This game is super weird and barely fits into the Donkey Kong mythos, but it's still very fun to play! There is no music break in this episode as neither of these games features much music at all! The guys also discuss the newly revealed Playstation 5! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday June 12, 2020. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Earl and Jurek head to the wild west, or rather a sci-fi version of the wild west, as they play Wild Guns on the SNES! The game turns out to be pretty fun, despite it's crazy hard difficulty! The guys would both recommend playing this game with a friend, because it seems like it might be impossible to complete alone! Difficulty aside, the game looks and sounds fantastic! If you've got the SNES Switch Online service then definitely give this game a try! The guys also discuss the recent civil unrest in their fair city of Minneapolis. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday June 5, 2020. We're putting this episode out early to try and keep it more timely with recent current events. Due to this, there will be no episode released this Friday, but we'll be back on a regular schedule after that. We hope everyone is staying safe out there! Keep protesting! Black. Lives. Matter. Thanks for listening, Revelers! ~Earl

This week Jurek and Earl grab their Diskarmors and head off to save the world as they play Rygar on the NES! This is one of those rare games that neither of the guys have ever played before! It is a very early metroid-vania type game and actually turns out to be pretty fun! The music is somewhat lacking, but it controls well. The game's difficulty is a little high, but that is to be expected from games of this era. Despite the difficulty, the game feels do-able. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday May 22, 2020. This was a few days before the events of Memorial Day, so we obviously do not talk about them in this episode. As stated in the notes for episode 206, we will discuss those events in a future show. Keep protesting! It's working! Thanks for listening, Revelers! No Justice, No Peace. #BlackLivesMatter. ~Earl

This week Earl and Jurek grab their virtual rackets and play two tennis games for the SNES! First up is Super Tennis! This game turns out to be pretty fun, but a little lackluster. It's a perfectly fine tennis game, but you might not get much out of it in today's day and age. The guys then try out Smash Tennis, AKA Super Family Tennis! Now this is a tennis game! It plays very similarly to Super Tennis, but features far superior music and has many more unique court styles to play on! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday May 15, 2020. Oh, how so much has happened since then. Long time Revelers will know that both Jurek and I call Minneapolis our home. On Memorial Day, the murder of George Floyd by 4 members of the Minneapolis Police Department, sparked an incredible movement for police reform. Lots of rioting and looting took place in our city because the people have had enough. We've been through some scary times and both Jurek and I are safe, but that is not important right now. We encourage you to get out and protest, but please stay safe. We will discuss the events of the past week on a future show. Thanks for listening, Revelers, and once again, please stay safe. No Justice, No peace. #BlackLivesMatter ~Earl

This week Jurek and Earl chase a radioactive frog down a hole as they play Blaster Master for the NES! This game is a must-play NES game and it turns out this is Jurek's first time playing it! The game is fantastic all around! It has intuitive controls and the music is outstanding! While the difficulty can be a bit much, it always feels do-able! Take an hour of your quarantine and come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday May 8, 2020. We are still a little behind on episode distribution but hopefully we'll catch up soon! Thanks for understanding! Once again, we hope you and your loved ones are all staying safe and healthy out there! Wear those masks, Revelers! Thanks for listening! ~Earl

This week Earl and Jurek take to the skies as they play Pilotwings for the SNES! Roughly 200 episodes ago the guys played Pilotwings 64 and now they decided to check out it's predecessor! The game is extremely fun, although the controls can take a bit of getting used to. It's very touchy and can be a little hard to control. That said, the game looks and sounds great and is a blast to play! The guys also play a short round of Guess the Poorly Described Movie! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Saturday May 2, 2020. Once again, thanks for bearing with us during quarantine! Stay safe out there, Revelers! Thanks for listening! ~Earl

This week Jurek and Earl continue doing the podcast quarantine style as they play Kirby Super Star for the SNES! This game is actually a collection of 8 different games, and some turn out much more fun than others! As a whole though, this game is very good! The fun pretty much never stops and it has a kick ass sound track to go with it! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday April 24, 2020. This was supposed to come out last week, but life got in the way! Sorry about the lack of episode, but if all goes to plan, you'll get two episodes this week! Thanks for bearing with us, Revelers! We hope you and your loved ones are all staying safe and healthy out there! Thanks for listening! ~Earl

This week Earl and Jurek had big plans to play a Sega Genesis game quarantine style, but as it turns out, the Sega Genesis Classics game on the Switch is absolute trash! That means the guys had to pull an audible and play something else! They decided on Vice: Project Doom for the NES! The game actually turns out to be very fun. It features several different styles of play: Driving/racing, Side scrolling platformer, and on rails shooter! The game's difficulty ramped up quickly, but the guys still had some fun with it! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday April 17, 2020. I think we're finally getting the hang of this "recording remotely" thing! Also, with this episode's release we have finally caught back up to our regular recording schedule. For the uninformed, we generally record on a Friday and that episode gets released the following Friday. Due to Covid-19, our schedule got a little off but we are now back on track! Once again we hope everyone is staying safe and healthy out there. Thanks for listening, Revelers! ~Earl

This week Jurek and Earl continue doing the podcast quarantine style as they play Super Punch-Out on the SNES! While neither of the guys are particularly good at the game, they manage to have a lot of fun with it! This game looks really good and the music is top notch. The controls are fine, but perhaps they should have given the game a better tutorial? Or maybe the guys should have just read the manual! The guys also have a reveler requested discussion question! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday April 10, 2020. We're still recording remotely, so thanks for staying with us and excusing the less than stellar audio. Hopefully someday soon we'll be able to record in person again with our regular gear! We hope you all are staying safe and healthy out there! Thanks for listening, Revelers! ~Earl

This week Earl and Jurek once again come at you quarantine style as they celebrate the 200th episode of the show by playing Dr. Mario for the NES! The guys figured it was the perfect game to play during this public health crisis! Dr. Mario is an absolute joy to play! While neither of the guys are particularly good at puzzle games, they both have massive amounts of fun while playing this game! The game controls great, looks good, and has some of the best songs on the NES! The guys also discuss a Reveler requested discussion question! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday April 3, 2020. We're still trying to figure out all the kinks with recording remotely, so there are once again a few audio issues with this episode. There is a small echo at some points, and for this we apologize! I think we've got it figured out for the future though, so that's good! Thanks for listening and thanks for understanding Revelers! We hope you all are staying safe and healthy out there!

This week Jurek and Earl are coming at you quarantine style! The guys are together but separate for this episode (and the foreseeable future) as they play Double Dragon II on the NES! Or rather, they play it via the Nintendo Switch NES Online App! The guys find this game to be pretty fun! The music is pretty great and it looks good for an NES game. The only complaint they have would be the controls. The attack buttons change depending on which way you're facing and it's incredibly frustrating! The guys also have a discussion question from a long time Reveler! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on March 27, 2020. Since we had to use different gear than our normal setup to record this episode, please excuse any audio issues. Our levels are off and we were at the mercy of the internet! Hopefully we will get better at this quarantine style recording as we go on. Also, hopefully we don't have to do this too much longer! Thanks for understanding and we hope you all are staying safe and healthy out there. Thanks for listening, Revelers! ~Earl

This week Earl and Jurek play Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse on the Sega Genesis! The game turns out to be pretty great! It looks gorgeous, it controls well, and the difficulty seems to be just right! If the guys had to make one complaint, it might be that the music is just a little lackluster, but it's still quite serviceable! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday March 20, 2020. This was about a half a week before the Minnesota governor gave the stay-at-home order, so Jurek and I are recording in the same space for this one. Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to do, but we both seem to be doing just fine. This episode is a little longer than normal, as we discuss the world events for quite some time. All episodes from here on out were/will be recorded from our separate homes, at least until the stay-at-home order is lifted. We really hope you all are taking care of yourselves and staying smart and staying healthy. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Jurek and Earl play Shock Troopers on the Neo-Geo! As it turns out, this game was never actually released for consoles back in the day and was ported from the arcade years later, which is the version we are playing. The game turns out to be incredibly fun! The music is top-notch and it looks fantastic! If the guys had one gripe, it would be the controls are a little wonky and take a bit of getting used to. Other than that, a fantastic game all around! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on March 13, 2020. This was the day the Minnesota governor declared no more gathering in large groups. Obviously, we still gathered on this day, as we figured 2 people is a pretty small group and it would be ok. In this episode you'll find us making all kinds of jokes about Coronavirus. I just want to let everyone know that we are taking this seriously, we were just making jokes, etc. to lighten the mood and cope with this new world we are living in. We hope everyone is staying safe and healthy out there. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Earl and Jurek are joined by their friend Andrew and the three of them play Fester's Quest on the NES! This game was recommended by Andrew due to his nostalgia for the game! As you can imagine, the guys have a pretty tough go at it, considering this game is notoriously hard! While they don't get very far, the game turns out to be rather enjoyable once you figure out what to do! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on Friday March 6, 2020. This was just before the shit hit the fan, so to speak, regarding the Coronavirus, at least in Minnesota. I'm not sure we even mention the virus in this episode. A couple other episodes were recorded in between and will be released very soon, in which we do talk about it. All this to say we hope all you Reveler's and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy out there.

Apologies for the few week lapse in episodes coming out. Obviously, things got a little crazy with work and life due to the virus. But we are back, and Jurek and I have found a way to continue doing the podcast from quarantine, so we won't be going anywhere! Thanks for listening, Reveler's! ~Earl

This week Jurek and Earl play Gradius on the NES to honor the recently passed Kazuhisa Hashimoto, the creator of the Konami Code! Gradius was the first game to use the code, giving your ship maximum power-ups once per level. You better believe the guys use the code liberally while playing! While the game is extremely difficult, it is still one of the better side-scrolling shooters on the NES. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

RIP Kazuhisa Hashimoto. None of us would have ever completed Contra without you. We salute you!

This week Earl and Jurek try out Milon's Secret Castle on the NES! This game might be the very definition of "Nintendo hard", but the guys actually manage to progress a little ways into it! Needless to say, that is NOT the norm for this podcast! The music is decent, but the rest of the game could use a little polish. The guys also discuss which video game they would turn into a Broadway musical! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl grab their virtual cameras and head off in pursuit of some great pics of Pokemon as they play Pokemon Snap on the Nintendo 64! This is an odd little game that probably really only sold well due to having Pokemon in the title. There are only so many pictures you can take while riding on rails before boredom sets in. The game controls perfectly fine and the music is decent, but the fun runs out quickly. It's not the best N64 game, but it's also far from the worst! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek continue the great X-Men comparison! This time the guys are playing X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse on the SNES! The game looks fantastic and the music is absolutely top-notch, but it suffers from the same thing the Sega X-Men game did: It's way too freakin' hard! So which game is better? Give us a listen and find out! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl once again take control of everyone's favorite mutants as they play X-Men on the Sega Genesis! This game has all the makings of something great, but unfortunately, it's just too dang hard! In classic Retro Gaming Revelry fashion, the guys don't even make it past the first level! It's fun to play as some of your favorite characters, but the difficulty quickly makes you want to turn the game off. While it wasn't the plan from the get-go, the guys have decided to compare this game to X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse on the SNES! So stay tuned next week for part 2 of the X-Men Comparison! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek are joined by their friend Abbee and their long-lost producer Nathan as the 4 of them play Mario Kart 64 on the Nintendo 64! This game is an absolute classic! Everything from the controls to the music and all the good stuff in between make this game amazing! We tried to play as many races as possible and also play a little battle mode, so we skip most of the intro stuff and get right to playing! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode is a little chaotic, so apologies for the audio levels being all over the place! Turns out trying to make a cohesive podcast with 4 drunk people who are also all trying to play Mario Kart is not the easiest thing in the world! Who knew?! Thanks for listening, Revelers! ~Earl

This week Jurek and Earl once again play a plethora of games for the Atari 2600! The last time they did this was way back in episode 25, so playing more Atari games was long overdue! The guys have a list of 120 games and they use a random number generator to decide which games to play! In no particular order, they play: Armor Ambush, Canyon Bomber, Outlaw, Star Strike, Swordquest: Fireworld, and Video Chess! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek try out Animaniacs on the Gameboy! The game is a fun little platformer that requires switching between Yakko, Wakko, and Dot to get through! The controls are tight and the music is good, but some of the levels have some less than desirable parts to them. The guys also discuss what character in the Mario universe they would most like to sit down and have a drink with! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl jump into the virtual squared circle as they play WWF Royal Rumble on the Sega Genesis! This episode is a little odd in that this wasn't the game the guys intended to play. They had to pull an audible when the cartridge for WWF Super Wrestlemania didn't work. That means there are no 3 questions, no music break, and the research on this game is very sparse. Despite all that, the game turns out to be pretty fun, even if it's controls are pretty wonky! The guys also discuss who would be on their Mount Rushmore of professional wrestling! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Happy New Year, Revelers! To celebrate, Earl and Jurek have popped the champagne and dive into a Reveler requested game: Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow for the Super Nintendo! The game looks absolutely fantastic and the music is pretty great! The controls, however, leave a little to be desired! The guys also discuss their New Years resolutions from last year and make new ones for this year! Come have a drink with us! Happy 2020! Welcome to the future!
Ho Ho Ho! This is our Holiday Spectacular episode! Jurek and Earl are joined by their friend John and the three of them try and get into the holiday spirit by playing The Grinch on the Playstation 1! While the game isn't super engaging, the guys manage to have a little fun with it! This is a rare case in which the game is too easy for adults and much too difficult for it's target audience: kids. The guys also discuss their favorite Christmas songs! Come have a drink with us! Happy Holidays, Revelers!
This week, in honor of the release of the new Star Wars movie, Earl and Jurek play Super Star Wars on the Super Nintendo! Both the guys have played this game many times in the past, so they knew what they were getting into! This game is notoriously hard and it doesn't fail to live up to it! If the game were hard because of the gameplay, that would be one thing, but instead it's hard because the controls are so clunky! But hey, at least the music is banging! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl are joined by long-time friend of the podcast Brent! The three of them attempt to take on the challenge of Blue's Journey on the Neo-Geo! None of the guys had ever heard of this game, but that can be attributed to nobody in the world owning a Neo-Geo in the 90s! The game turns out to be quite fun, but very challenging! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek take control of a lovable crocodile as they play Croc: Legend of the Gobbos on the Playstation 1! The guys find the game pretty fun, despite it's incredibly confusing controls! The game looks as good as it can for being one of the first 3D platformers and the music is great! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl try their hands at the stock market as they play Wall Street Kid on the NES! Neither of the guys have played this game before and both thought the game was a platformer! Boy, were they surprised to find out the game revolves around buying and selling stocks! They actually have a pretty fun time figuring this game out! Even after all these years, the NES can still surprise them! The guys also completely forgot to talk about the newest Sonic the Hedgehog movie trailer, so stay tuned after the show for their thoughts on that! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week marks another 10 episodes, which means it's time for another Mario game! Earl and Jurek are joined by their friends Abbee and Emily and the four of them play a rousing game of Mario Party on the N64! The guys seem to enjoy the game a bit more than their guests, but everyone has a good time! And, in an almost unprecedented turn of events, all four of them remained friends after playing! They also discuss a rather odd "would you rather" question from one of the Revelers! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl enjoy a little run and gun action as they play Gunstar Heroes on the Sega Genesis! While this game is considered a classic by many, neither of the guys have ever played much of it! It turns out the game is incredibly fun, and is deemed a classic for a reason! The graphics, controls, and music are top notch! A minor complaint would be the games difficulty, but that could be said about most games played on this show! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Come join us for our annual Halloween Spook-tacular episode! It's so spooky!! To help celebrate, Earl and Jurek welcome their producer Nathan back to the show! Together they play Maniac Mansion on the NES! In classic Retro Gaming Revelry style, the guys don't get very far, but they still manage to have fun! Happy Halloween, Revelers! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl take control of the coolest T-Rex around as they play Radical Rex on the Super Nintendo! This is an ultra rare moment on the podcast, in which Jurek has played the game before and Earl has never even heard of it! The guys find the game pretty fun, even if it is just another mascot platformer from the 90's! The game looks, plays, and sounds great! The guys also have a rousing discussion about banana's! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek play a classic in the fighting game genre: King of Fighters 98' on the Neo-Geo! They have a pretty good time duking it out with each other, but the computer is HARD! There are many mechanics to this game that take a while to learn, but eventually the guys get the hang of it. Despite the difficulty, the controls are tight and the music is pretty great! They also discuss their favorite kings! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl take a trip to a little place known as Oddworld as they play Oddworld: Abe's Odyssee on the Playstation 1! The concept of this game seems really cool: help Abe rescue his people and escape the evil corporation who enslaved everyone. However, in classic Retro Gaming Revelry style, the guys get absolutely nowhere in this game! They don't even make it out of the tutorial level! While the game seems cool, it turns out it's not really a great game for the podcast! Oh well, they can't all be winners! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek pick up their chains and lead pipes and hop onto virtual motorcycles as they play Road Rash II on the Sega Genesis! This game turns out to be pretty fun! The controls are tight and the music is fantastic! The guys discover the single player mode is much better than the stuttering multiplayer mode, but they still have a good time racing each other! They also discuss games they might like DE-made into 8 or 16 bit games! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl join Scrooge McDuck on an epic quest to gather treasure as they play DuckTales on the NES! This game is an absolute classic! It's one of Earl's all time favorites, but Jurek has barely played this game! Can you believe that?! The controls are tight, the music is lit AF, and this game is just plain fun! The guys can't recommend it enough! They also do some more poorly described video games! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek grab their spy gear and play Mission: Impossible on the Nintendo 64! This game is supposedly loosely based on the 1996 movie of the same name, but in reality it has very little to do with that movie. The player tries to solve missions as Ethan Hunt, the key words here being "tries to". The game is incredibly obtuse, and it takes a while to really figure out what's going on. Needless to say, the guys don't get very far! They also discuss the latest Nintendo Direct! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: We are finally all caught up on our backlog of episodes! We'll do our best to keep a normal schedule from here on out! Thanks for listening, Revelers! ~Earl

This week Jurek and Earl pick up the Gameboy Color (actually a Super Gameboy!) and give The Smurf's Nightmare a shot! The game turns out to be fairly entertaining, featuring solid controls and pretty good music. With a little practice, this seems like a game the guys might someday even be able to beat! They also discuss their favorite cartoons of the 80's! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
It's been another 10 episodes so it's time for another Mario game! This time the guys once again get their edu-tainment on as they play Mario's Time Machine on the SNES! While not your standard Mario game, it's actually not too bad! There is a lot of reading involved, but that's to be expected if you want to learn! Despite being a game for younger kids, the guys actually have some fun with this one! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: I was mistaken about the last episode, and this one was actually recorded on August 24th, 2019 (Ep. 169 was recorded on August 17th, 2019). So again, apologies if anything we're talking about isn't too current! Thanks for listening, Revelers! ~Earl

Jurek and Earl are back! After an accidental month long hiatus (sometimes life just gets in the way of podcasting!) the guys make their triumphant return by playing Metal Slug on the Neo-Geo! This is the first Neo-Geo game they've played on the podcast and it doesn't disappoint! The game has fast paced action that never stops, a killer soundtrack, and great visuals! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: This episode was recorded on August 24th, 2019, so apologies if anything we're chatting about isn't too current! But hey, this is a retro gaming podcast! Everything we talk about is old! Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Earl and Jurek try their very best to break some combos as they play Killer Instinct on the Super Nintendo! This game is pretty great! The controls and movement of the characters are all really slick, plus it features the most epically obnoxious announcer of all time! ULTRAAAAAA COMBOOOOOOO!! The guys also play a few more rounds of poorly described video games! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl take a look at Greendog: The Beached Surfer Dude for the Sega Genesis! This is a game that neither of the guys had ever heard of until now, but that's not because it's a bad game! It turns out the game is actually pretty fun, if not a little generic. The guys have a good time trying to help Greendog get rid of a cursed medallion so he can surf again! Despite the bonkers story, the game controls pretty well and the music is really great! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week the guys play Donkey Kong Country 2 on the Super Nintendo and their opinions on the game could not be more different! Jurek really loves this game and ranks it in his top 5 of all time! Earl, on the other hand, can't stand this game and gets really worked up and salty about it! The guys have a heated debate about the merits of this game, and to no one's suprise, they don't change each other's minds! It's possible the word "garbage" is said in this episode more times than it's EVER been said in an hour! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: Earl sends his deepest apologies to the Revelers for the extreme negativity in this episode. He'll keep things positive (for the most part!) from now on! Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Jurek and Earl take control of those lovable little dragons Bub and Bob as they play Bust-a-Move 4 on the Playstation 1! This game turns out to be pretty fun, although Jurek is a MUCH better puzzle game player than Earl! The game has some interesting mechanics that set it apart from other Bust-a-Move games which makes it pretty unique! The guys have a great time trying to help Bub and Bob bring color back to their world! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek practice their sharpshooting skills as they play 2 light gun games on the NES! First up is everybody's favorite zapper game: Duck Hunt! This game is an absolute classic! Fun on all accounts! The only thing it lacks is some engaging music, but that's easy to look past. What's not easy to look past is that frickin' dog laughing at you all the time! Then the guys pop in Wild Gunman and have some old west style duels! This game is not quite as fun as Duck Hunt, but the guys discover Gang mode is where it's at! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl see what Sega's failed mascot is all about as they play Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle for the Sega Genesis! Woof! This game is... a game, that's for sure! The game is pretty lackluster at every turn. The music is subpar, the physics are off, and it's overall not very fun. The guys also discuss which video game lady they would marry! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek do their best unicycle impersonations as they play Uniracers on the Super Nintendo! This game is bananas! It's super fast, you can perform sweet tricks, and the music is top notch! This game was recommended to us by Reveler Alex, so thanks for that Alex! The guys also do another round of F/M/K! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: There are a couple roughly 10 second chunks with poor audio. We'll get these gremlins out of our system, we promise! Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Jurek and Earl are back playing Conker's Bad Fur Day on the Nintendo 64! The first time around didn't go super great, so how do the guys fare this time? Short answer is... not great. Conker seems like a game that is much more suited to a single player experience where the player is really paying attention to the story. The guys can see the charm in the game, but there really doesn't seem like there's that much to do. Perhaps they just didn't get far enough? Either way, give the game a try! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
It's once again time for Earl and Jurek to play a Mario game! This week the guys play Super Mario Land on the Nintendo Gameboy! The original handheld Mario game! How does it hold up today? Pretty well, but it does have some flaws. The guys are able to get through a few levels but quickly find out the "no continue" feature is quite detrimental to getting anywhere in this game! The game features some great music, though, so maybe that makes up for it? Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: Please listen until the very end to hear Super Mario Land by the Ambassadors of Funk! Thanks for listening, Revelers!

After missing a week the boys are back! Jurek and Earl make their triumphant return by playing the classic and controversial Conker's Bad Fur Day on the N64! As it turns out, there is a lot of story to start off the game, so it takes a while to really get going. Once the guys get into the game, it becomes clear that it could be fun, but they just didn't have enough time with it! They'll be doing part 2 of Conker's Bad Fur Day in a just a few episodes, so they can really get a feel for the game! They also discuss Nintendo's E3 presentation! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: There are NO audio issues with this episode! Hurray! Thanks for bearing with us for the last few episodes! We think we got all the kinks worked out. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Earl and Jurek play what turns out to be the equivalent of hot garbage! They give Kid Kool and the Quest for the Seven Wonder Herbs for the NES a shot! This game is a disaster! The physics are the wonkiest, the music is sub-par at best, and it is unforgiving! The guys do their best to get through this one, but quickly realize it's impossible! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: Once again we had major audio issues while recording. We thought we had the issue solved but it reared it's ugly head without us noticing. Many apologies for the crappy audio throughout this episode. We won't be mad if you just skipped this one entirely!

Also, there will be no new episode next week as Earl is on vacation, but we should be back to our regular schedule the week after. Fingers crossed we come back with better audio!

Thanks for listening, Revelers! We appreciate you!

This week Jurek and Earl finish up their three part series on Chrono Trigger for the Super Nintendo! The guys pick up the game near the end and go through part of The Black Omen (a dungeon in the game) but then decide to just jump to Lavos and see if they can actually finish the game! Turns out Lavos takes a REALLY long time to beat... Be sure to let us know what you thought of our RPG experiment and if there is anything we might be able to do better! Thanks, Revelers! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: Once again we had audio issues with this episode. Many apologies for the sudden crunchy spikes in sound. We will suss out the issue and make sure it doesn't happen again. Thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Earl and Jurek continue the quest to save the world from the evil Lavos in part 2 of their series on Chrono Trigger for the Super Nintendo! The guys pick up the game roughly half way through and they attempt to storm the castle of Magus! This game just continues to shine! They also do a few more "Poorly Described Video Games!" Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: We had some major technical difficulties with this episode that didn't get noticed until long after the show had been recorded. It means there are some funky audio levels throughout, so many apologies for the poorer than usual quality of this one. Thanks for understanding and thanks for listening, Revelers!

This week Jurek and Earl are finally playing an RPG on the show! They decided to start off with one of the best as they play Chrono Trigger on the Super Nintendo! The guys don't make it too far into the game, but they plan on playing different parts of the game over several episodes! We'll see if this experiment works! They also play a round of "Guess the Poorly Described Video Game"! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

Revelers! Please send us your own poorly described video games so we can play more of this fun game on the show! Tweet us @RetroRevelry or shoot us an email at! Don't let us know the answer and if we can't get it we'll tweet/email you back and ask for it! Thanks for listening!

This week Earl and Jurek play Ristar on the Sega Genesis! This game was supposed to be a flagship title for Sega, but unfortunately, it came out too late in the Genesis's life to get super popular. The guys find this game is an absolute blast to play! It features unique mechanics for a platformer and has some of the greatest music on the Genesis!

Revelers, the guys need your help in figuring out how to pronounce Ristar! Jurek and Earl can't agree on the correct pronunciation and not even the internet knows how to pronounce it! Tweet at us @RetroRevelry and tell us how you pronounce it!

Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

This episode finds Jurek and Earl taking control of the legendary heroes Bill and Lance as they play Contra on the NES! Before you even ask, the answer is YES, they used the Konami code! Using their 30 lives the guys blast their way through the game! Solid controls, great music, and pure fun is what makes this game so great! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

NOTE: Many apologies for the delayed episode this week. There were some audio issues with the recording, and I think I got most of them removed, but you may hear an odd hum from time to time. Thanks for understanding! ~Earl

This week Earl and Jurek play what might turn out to be the worst game they've every played on this show! That game is Tomb Raider 3 for the Playstation 1! The guys very quickly get absolutely nowhere in this garbage game! The controls are clunky, it looks like a blurry mess, and the music is a number one contender for the "most mediocre music of all time" award! If you were thinking about playing this game, you might want to consider a hard pass! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl pick up right where they left off last week in Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64! The guys are trying something new and playing a longer game over a couple episodes! This game continues to shine all the way through! Is there really anything bad you can say about it? Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
It's our 150th episode! To celebrate, Earl and Jurek play Super Mario 64 on the Nintendo 64! This game is a gosh-darn masterpiece! Everything from the controls to the music is top-notch! The guys have way too much fun playing this classic! They also discuss their video game traditions and rituals! Also, be sure to join us next week as we continue to play Mario 64 because we just can't get enough of this game! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl take a trip to Slumberland as they play Little Nemo the Dream Master on the NES! This game is fantastic, although Nemo just might be the video game world's most sadistic character! The game features great music, tight controls, and a very fun (and also very creepy!) animal riding mechanic! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek do their best Greek demigod impressions as they play Disney's Hercules on the Nintendo Gameboy! The game turns out to not quite be the action adventure game they hoped, but the guys manage to have some fun with it. It's got some great music, including a track from the movie! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl try their hands at Code Name Viper on the NES! The game features controls that are just ok, but they get the job done. It does, however, have some good music tracks. As this is an NES game, the difficulty level is quite high. The guys struggle to make it through just a few levels. They also discuss their favorite remaster or remake of a video game! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
It's morphin' time! This week Earl and Jurek take control of some Zords and giant monsters as they play Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers Fighting Edition on the Super Nintendo! While this is a little discussed game, it turns out to actually be a pretty great entry into the fighting game genre! There are a few odd mechanics, but the music and controls are great! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl take control of some cavemen as they play what they can only assume is a little known game on the Sega Genesis called The Humans! This puzzle type game actually turns out to be pretty fun! The controls are a bit clunky and the music is nothing special, but overall it provides a pretty great experience! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek find out just how good they are at shaking things as they play Mischief Makers on the Nintendo 64! This game is very much forgotten about, but the guys can't figure out why as it's a ton of fun! While it has great game mechanics and music, some of the naming conventions are a little suspect. Clancer Kids?! Come on, there's about a thousand better names we can think of! The guys also play another round of F/M/K with video game characters! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl shred the virtual powder as they play Cool Boarders 4 on the Playstation 1! While the guys discover this game isn't terrible, they decide it's really nothing to write home about. It's fun to try and pull of some sweet tricks, but the controls make it a little hard to do so! They also discuss which movies that were never turned into video games should have been! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek are forced to pull the ol' Megaman X audible! They were originally going to play Megaman X 5 on the PS1, but Jurek went and lost the disc on the way to record, so they decided to play Megaman X on the Super Nintendo instead! The guys have a blast playing this absolute masterpiece of a game! The guys also play a little F/M/K with video game characters! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
After an unplanned one week hiatus the boys are back! This week Jurek and Earl take to the open ocean as they play Ecco the Dolphin on the Sega Genesis! After a rough start due to a controller malfunction, things get even worse for the guys! The game is extremely challenging and does not do a very good job of explaining how to do things, but there is a certain charm to it! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
We've once again hit a tenth episode marker, so that means it's time to play a Mario game! This week Earl and Jurek play Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels on the Super Nintendo! The guys play the Super Mario All-Stars version of the game, as this game was not actually released on the NES in the west. They decided not to release it to North American audiences because they thought the game was too hard, and boy, were they right! Kudos to anyone who can get through each and every level! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl compete in Anticipation, which is Nintendo's first digital board game on the NES! The computer draws a picture and you have to be the first to guess what it is! The guys were pleasantly surprised by how much fun this game actually was! The best part is it can be played by 4 players with 2 controllers! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

Also, please note that we edited out some large chunks of silence as we were watching the pictures being drawn. We weren't terrible at the game, but we weren't answering questions as fast as it may appear. Let's face it, nobody likes dead air!

Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?! This week Earl and Jurek get sneaky with some slithering snakes as they play Sneaky Snakes on the Nintendo Gameboy! The guys have quite a bit of fun trying to figure out this odd title! The game ends up being fairly challenging for them (what else is new?!), but the music makes up for it! They also learn a little something about snakes along the way! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Happy New Year, Revelers! To celebrate, Jurek and Earl revisit Goldeneye for the N64! In episode 52, the guys, along with Brent and Jane, played the multiplayer portion of Goldeneye. This time they try out the single player mode! They quickly discover this game is as fun as ever! The guys also discuss their retro gaming resolutions for the new year! Grab a bottle of champagne and come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Happy holidays, Revelers! To celebrate the Christmas season Earl and Jurek play the most Christmas game around: Die Hard Trilogy on the Playstation 1! The guys try out all three games and decide the first is the best and the second is the worst! The guys also discuss their personal picks for game of the year! Pour yourself an egg nog and come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl tie on their super sweet red bandanas and head into the jungle as they play Ikari Warriors for the NES! While the arcade version of this game is quite fun, the NES version could have used a bit more polish. The guys have an extremely hard time getting anywhere because apparently the levels are the longest things ever! They also stumble upon an odd bug in the game. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek play one of their most requested games: TMNT IV: Turtles in Time for the Super Nintendo! The guys have a blast fighting their way through hoards of the Foot Clan! It's hard to find anything bad in a game this good! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl team up with the mighty X-men and your friendly neighborhood Spiderman as they play Spiderman and X-Men in Arcade's Revenge for the Sega Genesis! The guys quickly discover the concept of this game is quite cool, but the execution leaves a little to be desired. It had the potential to be one of the all time greats, if only the difficulty wasn't quite so high! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday by playing the most Thanksgiving-like game they could think of: South Park for the Nintendo 64! The main enemies are turkeys, so obviously this game has a Thanksgiving theme... Or something like that! The guys discover while this game has some merits, it's mostly pretty bland. Pretty good voice overs though, especially for the N64! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl team up with the legendary Bruce Willis as they play Apocalypse Starring Bruce Willis for the original Playstation! This is one of those rare games that neither of the guys have played before. It's an odd game, especially the Bruce Willis angle, but it turns out to be a lot of fun! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
It's been another ten episodes so this week Earl and Jurek are playing two games from the Mario series! First up is Mario Paint on the SNES! Each of the guys take turns making art! Jurek creates a lovely picture, which can be found on our Twitter page (@retrorevelry), while Earl composes a symphonic masterpiece with the music maker!* The guys then give Mario's Early Years: Fun with Letters a try! This game is for preschoolers. That's pretty much all that can be said about that! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!

*Apologies for the crappy audio quality when we play the song composed in-game. It was the only way anyone was going to hear it! Thanks for understanding.

This week Jurek and Earl play another reveler requested game as they see what Goof Troop on the Super Nintendo is all about! The guys become enraptured with this game! The co-op play is super engaging, the music is great, and the difficulty is just right! This game is truly the definition of hidden gem! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Come join Earl and Jurek in this year's Halloween Spook-tacular episode of Retro Gaming Revelry! To celebrate the holiday, they play Friday the 13th on the NES! This game is notoriously bad, and the guys quickly decide that distinction holds up! At least they get to do the Monster Mash! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl play Total Recall on the NES! We all know how movie licensed NES games usually turned out, but is Total Recall different?! The answer is a resounding... NO! Although, despite it's many problems, the guys decide it is one of the better movie licensed games on the system. They also experiment with some live sound effects and add a new segment at the end of the show! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek hop in their X-Wings and take the fight to the Empire as they play Star Wars: Rogue Squadron on the Nintendo 64! They quickly remember what a great game this is! Tight controls and a great soundtrack really makes the player feel like they're piloting a spaceship! The guys also each rank the Star Wars movies! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl once again hit the virtual pinball tables as they play Kirby's Pinball Land on the Nintendo Gameboy! The guys quickly find out that this game is quite fun to play! While their aren't too many levels, the difficulty is just right to keep you coming back. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
BONUS EPISODE!! We have too big of a backlog of episodes so we're releasing one mid-week! In this episode, Earl and Jurek play Toy Story for the Super Nintendo! The guys discover that for a licensed game from the mid-90's it's not actually that bad! The controls are a little loose and the RC-Car level is infuriating, but overall a fun experience! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl take a look at a classic Sega Genesis game as they play Altered Beast! Apparently this game gets a bad rap, but the guys can't figure out why. Yes, it is a bit difficult and the music is just okay, but the solid gameplay makes this game fun! Especially playing 2-player co-op! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
After an unplanned 3 week hiatus (life gets in the way sometimes!) the guys are back! Earl and Jurek hop on their virtual hover bikes and play Jet Moto 2 for the Playstation 1! Boy oh boy, where to even start? This game is... not great. It's hard to control and there is texture EVERYWHERE! Despite all that, the guys manage to have some fun playing it! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This episode finds Jurek and Earl trying to tackle one of video games' most notoriously difficult titles as they play Battletoads for the NES! We could lie and say we beat it, but really we made it to the speeder bike level just like everyone else! For being so difficult, the game still boasts great gameplay and fantastic music! We also have a listener discussion question this week! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek are joined by their friends Nate and Abbee this week as they all play some 4 player Super Smash Bros. on the Nintendo 64! This is the game that started the legendary Smash Bros. series and it holds up pretty well! It's still as fun as ever to fight your friends using your favorite Nintendo characters! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl try their hands at a very unique fighting game this week as they play Ballz 3D for the Super Nintendo! While this game features an interesting concept, in that every fighter is completely made of balls, it severely lacks in functionality! Seriously, this game is AWFUL! Just hot garbage! We bash it pretty hard. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Way back in February we got a game recommendation and now we're finally getting to it! This week we play Dynamite Headdy for the Sega Genesis! If you're into boss fights then this is the game for you! The game features short and easy levels followed by ridiculously hard boss fights. It's fun, but challenging. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl once again hit the virtual links as they play Hot Shots Golf 2 for the Playstation 1! The guys have quite a bit of fun playing this game. It features great golf physics and charming art! The music leaves a little to be desired, but overall this is a pretty great game! They also discuss their favorite and least favorite video game movies! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek play two racing games on the Nintendo Gameboy! First up is Wave Race, which sadly is nothing like Wave Race 64. There is absolutely nothing spectacular about this game. The only thing it has going for it is without it, we wouldn't have great games like Wave Race 64 or Blue Storm. They then play Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driver. The guys have a lot more fun with this game. Turns out doing sweet tricks with Hot Wheels cars is fun in real life AND in video games! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Happy 4th of July! To celebrate the occasion, Jurek and Earl thought they would see if they were bad enough dudes to rescue the president as they play Bad Dudes for the NES! The guys decide the game has it's merits, but without cheat codes would be pretty much impossible to beat. Are YOU a bad enough dude to rescue the president?!? Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek take a look at a classic kart racing game as they play Diddy Kong Racing for the Nintendo 64! This is by no means the first time either of the guys have played this game, but it's always a fun one to go back to! The great music, tight controls, and amazing adventure mode make this game one of the all time greats! The guys also chat quite a bit about this year's E3, even though we're a few weeks behind! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl take a trip down the yellow brick road as they play The Wizard of Oz for the Super Nintendo! This game is a weird mashup of the movie and an old cartoon which apparently means it's pretty weird! It also plays like garbage. This game is hot garbage. Come have a drink with us as we try and play this garbage game! Cheers! (Did I mention the game is garbage?)
This week Earl and Jurek take a look at Rayman for the Playstation 1! This game spawned a franchise and it seems to live up to the hype! Although, like many games we play, it's way too freakin' hard. Also, the guys discuss the proper pronunciation of Rayman's name! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl hit the virtual pinball table as they play Sonic Spinball for the Sega Genesis! This game's concept was pretty much a no-brainer for Sega, but how fun can it really be? Perhaps with a little tweaking of the difficulty the game might be fun, but as it stands, this game is just way too hard to casually play. The guys still get a little enjoyment out of it though! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
It's been ten episodes so it's once again time to play a game from the Mario series! This time Earl and Jurek bend the rules slightly and play Wario Land for the Gameboy! While not quite a Mario game, they still consider it part of the Mario line of games. The gameplay itself is a lot of fun but the music definitely lacks some luster! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl take control of a couple danger noodles as they play Snake Rattle n' Roll for the NES! The guys have a lot of fun playing this very unique game. The isometric platforming takes a bit to get used to but otherwise this game is a blast! The guys also discuss what single weapon they would choose to have during a zombie apocalypse! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
In honor of the release of Avengers: Infinity War, Earl and Jurek play Spiderman and Venom: Maximum Carnage for the SNES! The guys quickly discover this game is a bit challenging! With only 1 continue and a non stop barrage of enemies (all the same enemies, just re-skinned!) the game is quite difficult from the get-go. As the guys try and fight their way through the game, they each list their top five movies in the MCU! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl travel the world as they play through Cruis'n World for the Nintendo 64! While not the deepest game out there it still offers plenty of fun! The guys also discuss what fictional car they would most like to have! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek join Sarah and John Connor in the fight against the machines! They play Terminator 2 for the Gameboy! While one specific part is pretty difficult, the game seems to be fairly beatable! The guys also discuss the Billy Mitchell situation. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl don their best tuxedo's and fully load their silenced PP7's as they play Tomorrow Never Dies on the original Playstation! The guys were hoping for the next Goldeneye but what they got just didn't capture the same magic. The controls are clunky in this hard to play 3rd person shooter. The guys also discuss what food group they would get rid of if they had to get rid of one! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek take a look at Eternal Champions for the Sega Genesis! The guys discover that the single player mode in this game is pretty much unplayable unless you're literally the master of all video games. Wow, is it hard! However, they do have a pretty good time fighting each other! They also have a lengthy discussion about sandwiches! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl get dangerous as they take a listener suggested game and play Darkwing Duck on the NES! This happens to be one of Earl's favorite games but Jurek had never played it before! The guys have a great time helping Darkwing Duck take down the villains of the city! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek hit the virtual gridiron as they go head to head in Tecmo Super Bowl for the SNES! This game is an absolute classic! As it turns out, Jurek is a Tecmo Super Bowl all-star while Earl's team might as well be the Little Giants! We'll give you one guess as to who wins! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week, Jurek and Earl try out one of the very last games released for the N64. They play Powerpuff Girls: Chemical X-Traction! While the cartoon was incredibly charming and sweet, this game has none of that! What a pile of garbage! The guys really struggle through this almost unplayable game. It's as if the designers were almost done with it and thought "Screw it, just release it!" Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
It's our 100th episode! To celebrate, Earl and Jurek drink champagne and play Super Mario Bros. for the NES! This is the game that started it all for these guys and they have a blast playing it. Can they get through it?! You all know what you're listening to so the answer is... probably not! The guys also discuss their favorite and least favorite game they've played on the podcast. Here's to 100 more! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl try out a Playstation classic in Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back! Neither of the guys have ever played a Crash Bandicoot game before, except the racing game, and they were both pleasantly surprised by how fun it is! This game is a classic for a reason! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
In honor of the 2018 Winter Olympics, Earl and Jurek jump in the ol' way-back machine and play Winter Olympic Games: Lillehammer 94' for the Sega Genesis! Like most Olympic themed games, this game feels very rushed and it suffers for it. The controls are garbage, but at least it looks good! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl try their hands at Donkey Kong Land on the Nintendo Gameboy! The game is quite similar to Donkey Kong Country, which was quite a feat to accomplish with the limited power of the Gameboy! The guys have a lot of fun beating some rather difficult levels! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek hit the miniature links this week as they play Kirby's Dream Course for the Super Nintendo! A 2 player miniature golf puzzle solving game with hints of bowling is the perfect way to spend an evening! The guys have a lot of fun competing against each other, even though it takes them 9 holes to really figure out what is going on! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
In this week's episode, Jurek and Earl strap on their virtual skates and play the legendary NHL 94' for the Sega Genesis! The guys play each other in a best of 3 competition to see who will be crowned the all time king of virtual hockey! They also decide that while a great game, it definitely has some issues! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Earl and Jurek take a look at Air Fortress for the NES! Jurek has some fond memories playing this game as a kid, but this is Earl's first time playing the game. The guys end up having a bit of a difficult time around level 2, but what else is new on this podcast?! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl, surprisingly, play the first Star Wars game they've played on the podcast! The guys play Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire for the Nintendo 64! They decide this game has it's ups and downs but is overall an enjoyable experience! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek hit the virtual streets and try and get mad points as they play Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 for the Playstation 1! Earl is great at achieving those high scores while Jurek can collect all the stuff. They make a pretty great skating team! The guys also discuss some of their favorite bands! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week, Jurek and Earl play Bart and the Beanstalk on the Nintendo Gameboy! The guys are pretty sure that if you looked up "poorly designed platformer" this game would be number one on the list! Woof! It. Is. Bad. The guys also have a listener discussion question this week and discuss their favorite TV sitcoms! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek ring in the new year with the help of their producer Nathan, who is actually on a microphone this time! The guys continue their tradition of playing a Mario game every ten episodes by playing Super Mario Kart for the SNES! While quite different from the Mario Kart games we know today, this game is still a ton of fun! Grab your champagne and party hats and come have a drink with us! Happy New Year, everyone!
Tis' the season! To celebrate, Jurek and Earl play Daze Before Christmas, a PAL exclusive game for the SNES! While maybe a bit on the childish side, the guys find that this game is pretty fun! Great graphics and music help put it a step above many other platformers! Grab your Santa hat and egg nog and come have a drink with us! Happy Holidays!
It's part 2 of the Aladdin comparison! This time, Earl and Jurek play Aladdin on the SNES! The guys really take a shining to this version of the game. Is it possible they beat it? On an episode of this show?! Also, why doesn't Jurek want to collect the red gems?! Come have a drink with us and find out! Cheers!
This is part 1 of the Aladdin comparison! Jurek and Earl play Aladdin on the Sega Genesis this week, and will play the SNES version next week. The goal will be to finally put an end to the age old debate on which version is better! The guys have a lot of fun with the Sega version, so the SNES version has some tough competition. I mean, you get to use a sword in the Sega version! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek pull out their katanas and hit the streets as they play Ninja Gaiden on the NES! The guys have a lot of fun playing this game, despite those pesky birds! They also come up with a new game idea called Ninja Garden as well as discuss their favorite ninja movies! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl play Pokemon Stadium for the Nintendo 64! Surprisingly, this is the first Pokemon game played on the podcast! The guys discover that while the game is fun, there is much more to Pokemon than just the fighting, and that "other stuff" is what this game is sorely lacking. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek go to the future races as they play F-Zero for the Super Nintendo! The guys discover this game still holds up, but is pretty dang hard! They also get a kick out of the games music, which they decide is in the little known genre "future jazz." Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl take a look at Comix Zone for the Sega Genesis! This game has an incredibly cool concept, with the player actually going through panels of a comic book, however, it turns out this game is mega hard! The guys quickly get nowhere in this game and turn to cheat codes to explore some of the later levels! While hard, it's still fun! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek celebrate the spooky season by playing Resident Evil 2 for the Playstation 1! Or rather, Jurek plays while Earl complains about the game! The guys realize this game is considered a classic, but it holds no nostalgia for them and they end up not liking it very much. Come join us for our Halloween Spook-tacular! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl take a look at Bubble Bobble for the NES! This game is an absolute classic and is definitely in the running for "best co-op game of all time!" The guys keep it together for level after level of bubble blowing goodness! They actually get WAY past the first level! A first for this podcast?! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek continue their tradition of playing a Mario game every ten episodes as they hit the fairway and play Mario Golf on the Nintendo 64! The guys have a ton of fun whacking their balls around! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl take a look at the first Castlevania game published for the Nintendo Gameboy: The Castlevania Adventure. While similar to it's predecessors, it's no Castlevania for the NES. The main character moves slower than molasses and apparently the first boss is next to impossible! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek play a good old fashioned cart racer this week as they take a look at Crash Team Racing for the original Playstation. The guys quickly decide this game is no Mario Kart and thus, they don't like it very much! Perhaps with a little more practice they'd get better at it, but why play this when you could just play Mario Kart?! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl play The Jungle Book on the SNES! The guys quickly discover this game might not be for them. Because it's hard. Way too hard for a Jungle Book game. Or maybe they just suck at it... Either way, come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek are officially back! This is the first new episode we've recorded since June! After 4 days of getting caught up, we return to our regular schedule of 1 new episode every Friday! In this episode, we take a look at Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sega Genesis. There is quite a bit of catching up before we actually get to the game so this episode is slightly longer than normal. Thanks for listening! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl celebrate their 75th episode by playing an absolute classic: Mega Man 2 for the NES! The guys have a wonderful time playing this wonderful game! Not much can be said about this game that hasn't been said already, except that if you haven't played it, you're missing out! This episode feature a slightly longer music break than normal, because the music is so f'ing good! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
In this episode Earl and Jurek put on their fighter helmets and take to the skies as they play Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere for the Playstation 1! The guys have a great time trying, and failing, to fly their fighter jets. I guess that old saying "don't drink and fly" really is true! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This episode Jurek and Earl get their Trek on and play Star Trek: The Next Generation for the Gameboy! The guys discover that once you get past learning how to play, the game is actually quite fun! They also discuss a plethora of Star Trek questions! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
We're back! After a couple month hiatus during the summer we are back with 5 new episodes this week! One each day, culminating with the newest one on Friday. After that, we'll be back to our regular schedule of releasing episodes every Friday. This episode, we play 2 shooters on the NES: Star Force and Star Soldier. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek take a crack at another superhero game this week and play Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker for the Nintendo 64! While the game isn't terrible, the guys discover that it's nothing to write home about. They also discuss their favorite Batman villains! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl continue their tradition of playing a Mario game every ten episodes by playing Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island for the Super Nintendo! The guys are quite aware of how awesome this game is, however, something is wrong with Earl's cartridge. The Super FX 2 Chip is messed up so the game doesn't play quite like it's supposed to, which was quite a surprise for the guys! They do their best with what they're given! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek are happy to have Brent back on the podcast this week, and the three of them play The Ooze on the Sega Genesis! The guys discover that while incredibly difficult, this game is filled with slimy goodness! They also learn a little bit about Cellular Automatons! What the heck are those you ask? Come have a drink with us and find out! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl add a new console to their repertoire this week that comes in the form of a Playstation 1! The guys are eager to test out the new machine properly, so they play Grand Theft Auto! While it's controls may be a little wonky, the game is still super fun to play! The guys also have a wacky discussion question to talk about this week! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek are right back where they left off last week as they continue to play Game and Watch Gallery 1, 2, and 3 for the Nintendo Gameboy. This week, they play all the modern versions of the Game and Watch titles. The guys have a lot of fun playing these re-imagined classics. Are these versions better than the classics? Come have a drink with us and find out! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl run through a whopping 14 different games this week! They play Game and Watch Gallery 1, 2, and 3 for the Nintendo Gameboy! The guys try playing each game in its classic mode and quickly find out that most, but not all, are pretty fun! At first, they seem extremely simple, but there are some extreme challenges within these classic games! The guys also discuss the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek play 2 racing games on the NES this week! The guys try out Bump n' Jump and RC Pro Am! They discover that while RC Pro Am is the superior game, Bump n' Jump has it's own unique charm. The common theme between them, like many NES games, is the insane difficulty! The guys also discuss the Transformers at length! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl hop on the world's best form of transportation this week as they play Wave Race 64 for the Nintendo 64! This game is remembered fondly by both guys, who each think they're better than the other. Who is the ultimate Wave Race champion?! Hint: It's Jurek. Earl apparently sucks at this game and gets really salty about it! The guys also discuss which Marvel character they'd most like to be! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek participate in a great game of follow the leader this week! They play Lemmings on the SNES! The guys truly enjoy themselves while trying to solve all these great puzzles, but the game might be that much better had it used the SNES Mouse peripheral. They also discuss what their roles would be in a zombie apocalypse! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl play another movie licensed game on the Sega Genesis! This week they see what Stargate is all about! It turns out it's a pretty run of the mill platformer, with a few unique features! But where exactly in the game is the actual Stargate?! They also discuss their favorite movies of all time! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek take a very brief look at Metroid 2: Return of Samus for the Gameboy! The guys have a tough go of it, and don't make it very far! Where are all the enemies? And isn't there supposed to be, uh, you know... Metroids in this game? They discover the music is pretty weird, but enjoyable! Also, does pineapple belong on pizza? Come have a drink with us and find out! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl go on an epic search for the world's most beloved plumber! They play Mario is Missing on the NES! The guys continue their tradition of playing a Mario game every ten episodes, and decided to get their edutainment on! They discover that while gameplay is super easy and rather slow paced, there is quite a bit of charm packed into this game! They also talk about their favorite consoles! Come have a drink with us! You just might learn something this week! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek get green this week as they play Army Men: Sarge's Heroes for the Nintendo 64! The game seems to have a lot of potential, but all that is largely overshadowed by the terrible control scheme. The guys also have a heated debate about that age old question: Is a hotdog a sandwich? Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl once again travel back to the time of the cavemen and play Chuck Rock on the Super Nintendo! This is one of those rare games that neither of them have ever played before, and they quickly realize why. It's bad, to say the least. The guys do not like it at all and they are pretty vocal about it! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek play NBA Jam for the Sega Genesis! The guys have a blast playing this game, despite neither of them having any interest in basketball! This 2-player arcade classic is just as much fun at home as it was in the arcade! The guys quibble over control styles, but both agree everyone should play this game. Come have a drink with us! BOOM-SHAKA-LAKA!
Jurek and Earl play Kirby's Dreamland for the Nintendo Gameboy! Their juvenile side comes shining through in this episode, as it's impossible to talk about Kirby without sounding dirty! The guys really like this game and they accomplish something that they had yet to achieve before this episode! What could it be?! Come have a drink with us and find out! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek do their best to not feed the Mogwai after midnight or get it wet, but all hell breaks loose when they play Gremlins 2: The New Batch for the NES! The guys discover this movie licensed game is actually one of the good ones! Yes, the platforming can get a little wonky and it's impossible to shoot diagonally, but overall this game is loads of fun! They also discuss Netflix originals Vs. regular TV. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl are forced to decide whether or not Shaq-Fu for the SNES is really as terrible as everyone makes it out to be! The guys discover that the game certainly has it's issues, but it's not the steaming pile of garbage people are led to believe. They also discuss the storied rap career of Shaq Diesel and tell the people of exactly what they think of their "mission." Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek put on many masks this week while they play Kid Chameleon for the Sega Genesis. The guys discover this game is quite fun, but the difficulty ramps up extremely quickly! How are they supposed to beat 100 levels if level 6 is that hard?! They also discuss what their favorite Stallone movies are! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl celebrate 1 year's worth of episodes by inviting back Brent and Jane, who filled in for Jurek for a few episodes last summer. The four of them play the ultimate multi-player game: Goldeneye for the Nintendo 64! Big thanks to the listeners for a great year of shows! We'll keep making them if you keep listening! Here's to hoping for another great year of Retro Gaming Revelry! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek bust out the Gameboy games and get a little loony! They play Tiny Toon Adventures: Babs' Big Break (listener requested!) and Tiny Toon Adventures 2: Montana's Movie Madness! Both games turn out to be pretty standard Gameboy platformers, but the guys still have some fun playing them! They also discuss what their favorite arcade games were and where they used to play them. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl celebrate their 50th episode by playing arguably the best Mario game of all time: Super Mario Bros. 3 for the NES! The guys know this game well, but even they are surprised by some of the things they learn in this episode. They also talk at length about the newly unveiled Nintendo Switch. Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek jump in their demolition vehicles and break stuff! They play Blast Corps on the Nintendo 64! The guys quickly find out this game is a lot of fun with one exception: driving the infuriating Backlash. Seriously, that dump truck is the worst! They also have a blast driving the Sideswipe, discuss Unicorns Vs. Griffins, and Earl learns a hard lesson about the Retropie. Stay tuned to the very end to hear a small discussion about Earthbound with a special guest! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl take another listener request and play Barbie: Super Model on the SNES! The guys discover the art of cosmetology is not to be taken lightly! After struggling to match Barbie's perfect hair, makeup, and outfits on the Super Nintendo, they pop in Barbie on the NES. Let's just say this platformer has some serious issues! Why so many kites and beach balls?! They also got some new microphones this week and put them to the test! Let them know how it sounds! Cheers!
In this New Year's themed episode, Earl and Jurek play Streets of Rage for the Sega Genesis! The guys pop the champagne and ring in the new year by trying to take down Mr. X and his gang. Will they succeed?! It's hard to say, but the real questions is: Who keeps hiding fully cooked chickens in trash cans?! Whoever it is, keep up the good work, you heroic chicken hider! Happy New Year's, everyone! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl play the most holiday themed video games they could find: Home Alone and Home Alone 2 for the Nintendo Gameboy! As it turns out, neither of these games have much to do with the holidays at all! The guys sip their egg-nog while trying to take out The Wet Bandits! Will they succeed?! Probably not, because they are, as the French say, Les Incompetents! Happy Holidays, everyone! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek take to the virtual ice and face-off in 2 of the greatest hockey games ever made: Ice Hockey and Blades of Steel for the NES! Fats or Skinnies? Why is Edmonton green? Is The Mighty Ducks the greatest hockey movie ever made?! Come have a drink with us and find out! Cheers!

(We apologize for some of the audio quality in this episode. We get a little excited at some points and yell into the microphones, causing some crunchiness. We'll do better in the future.)

Jurek and Earl put on their web shooters and play Spider-Man for the Nintendo 64! The guys discover the game has some potential, but the N64 controller does not lend itself well to wall crawlin'! What's the verdict on this game? Come have a drink with us and find out! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek once again dive into the world of the Kongs! They play Donkey Kong Country for the Super Nintendo! What an absolute classic! The guys discuss many great things about this game, including the ancient history of winking frogs and whether or not a Beaver would eat a banana! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl play The Lost Vikings for the Sega Genesis. It becomes abundantly clear very quickly that they are unable to work as a team and play 2-player mode. The guys also don't fair that well at the single player mode, but the game is still super fun! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek take a look at the recently released NES Classic Edition! Earl managed to get his hands on one and the guys plug it in and see what it's all about! They play several of the 30 built in games while demoing the console, including Mario Bros., Ice Climbers, and Balloon Fight! Is it worth the hype? Come have a drink with us and find out! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl continue their tradition of playing a Mario game every ten episodes by playing Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins for the Nintendo Gameboy. It's also the first gameboy game they've played on the show! The guys discover something hilarious Nintendo slipped past their own censors and put in this game! Come have a drink with us and find out! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek take a look at two spooky games for the NES! They play Monster Party and Ghoul School! After a quick playthrough of each, they decide one is far superior to the other! They also drink Bloody Brain Shots! Come have a drink with us and let's get spooky! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl play another listener requested game this week! The guys try their hands at Winback: Covert Opertations for the Nintendo 64. They discover it's a pretty cool duck and cover type shooter. While it does many things right, it seems as if this game taught future games in this genre a few things NOT to do! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek take a trip back in time to the days of the caveman! They play Joe & Mac on the Super Nintendo! The guys have a blast throwing bones and taking names! They also seem to fight a lot of parents in this game... Weird! Will the guys be able to save all the cave-babes?! Come have a drink with us and find out! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl play what might be considered a hidden gem: Rocket Knight Adventures for the Sega Genesis! This game may have been overlooked due to the influx of "rodents with attitude" games during the 90's, but this game holds up really well! The guys have tons of fun trying to make their way through the many stages of this game! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek play two Marvel superhero games this week! They dive into The Uncanny X-Men and Silver Surfer for NES! After diving in, they immediately want to get out of the pool! Both these games are... tough. Yes, let's go with tough. They also discuss their favorite Doritos flavors! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl take a time out from their usually scheduled program and play 9 events out of 10 in Nagano Winter Olympics 98' for the N64! The guys discover this game is hard. Like real hard. Like how about they tell us what the ACTUAL controls are?! They should have just played curling... Come have a drink a with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek are once again drunk driving from the couch while they play Stunt Race FX for the Super Nintendo! They discover that the single player mode is actually pretty fun, but when it comes to the two player mode it's a whole different story! Plus, spoilers from a movie that was made in the 70's! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl play two puzzle games for the Sega Genesis: Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine and Columns! The guys have differing opinions on which game is better, but one thing is clear: both games are tons of fun! Also, the Great Combo's War rages on... Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek play the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the NES! The guys learn a lot about the game and discuss the Ninja Turtles at length! But the question on everyone's mind is: Did they beat the dam level?!? Come have a drink with us and find out! Cowabunga!
Wow! We made it to 30 Episodes! Woo-hoo! To mark the occasion, Jurek and Earl play Mario Tennis on the N64! The guys face off in an all out tennis battle! Of the two, who's the tennis champion?! Come have a drink with us and find out! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek play Cybernator on the Super Nintendo! Neither of them had ever played it before and they soon discover this game is loads of fun! They smash their mechs through enemies, shoot everything in sight, taking no guff from anyone! Then they encounter a boss... Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek and Earl engage in fisticuffs this week while playing Street Fighter 2: Special Champion Edition for the Sega Genesis! Who is the best character? Who is the most over powered? Which are better combos, pretzels or crackers?! Find all that out in this weeks episode! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek once again take to the skies when they play Captain Skyhawk and Legendary Wings, both for the NES! How far can they get in either game? As it turns out, not far, not far at all! These 2 games proved quite challenging for the drunken buffoons! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek was once again unable to join us this week, so Earl has Brent and Jane back as his co-hosts! The three of them play Gex 64: Enter the Gecko for the Nintendo 64! They discover this game is actually quite fun due to the Mario64-like gameplay and all the funny pop culture references! Also, for some reason, right in the middle we take a break and talk about carrots! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
This week Jurek and Earl play through 10 different games for the Atari 2600! It's an Atari Extravaganza!! We play Adventure, Asteroids, Breakout, Centipede, Circus Atari, Gravitar, Missile Command, Pong, Volley Ball, and Yar's Revenge! Wow, that's a lot of games! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl is once again joined by his two guest co-hosts Brent and Jane. They play 1080 Snowboarding for the Nintendo 64! They drunkenly crash down the mountain side, attempt (and fail miserably) at performing tricks, and spend a lot of time just crying on the mountain! Come have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek play The Lion King for the SNES! They drunkenly battle hyenas, get thrown around by some monkeys, and try and defeat Scar! This game is much more challenging than the guys remembered! Come and have a drink with us! Cheers!
Jurek could not be with us this episode, so Earl has two fill-in co-hosts! He is joined by Brent and Jane, and the three of them play Rampage for the NES! As it turns out, smashing buildings and eating tiny people is a rollicking good time!
Jurek and Earl play WCW Vs. nWo Revenge for the Nintendo 64! The guys drunkenly battle it out to see which one of them is the ultimate wrestling champion! They're having a great time until things take a very dark turn... Cheers!
We've hit 20 episodes! To mark the occasion, Earl and Jurek play one of the best video games ever made: Super Mario World for the SNES. The guys attempt to drunkenly beat the game before the episodes conclusion! Can they do it?!? Cheers!
Jurek and Earl play Vectorman for the Sega Genesis! The guys jump, blast, and drink their way through this very hard game! Does Sega's answer to Donkey Kong Country hold up? Come find out and while you're here, have a drink with us! Cheers!
Earl and Jurek put their hazy minds to the test while playing The Adventures of Lolo for the NES. The game almost proves too tough for the guys, but with a little help from their thinking juice (Spoiler alert: It's whiskey!), they manage to crank out the beginning chunk of the game! Then the game does, in fact, prove too tough for the guys. Would you believe Jurek had never heard of this game before?!
Jurek and Earl wax nostalgic as they sip on whiskey and play one of their favorite games of all time, Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA for the N64! Always remember: If you want to land it, drive the Bandit.
Earl and Jurek play Earthworm Jim while drinking E & J Brandy! This game is so kooky it just might be fun! The games weirdness makes it an absolute blast to play! Bring it on Queen Slug-for-a-Butt!
Hold on to your butts! Jurek and Earl play Jurassic Park for the Sega Genesis! The guys have a tough go of it, but the whiskey helps! Listen to find out if the developers truly "spared no expense" when creating this game! Plus, you can play as a raptor! Clever girl...
Earl and Jurek play The Little Mermaid for the NES. While drinking something called a Red Lobster (yes, we know Sebastian is a crab!), the guys trace their love of redheads back to Ariel and discover The Little Mermaid is a simple, yet charming little game.
Jurek and Earl play Turok 2: Seeds of Evil for the Nintendo 64. The guys discover whiskey is a much needed accessory to this game, because it is bad. Like, real bad. Ouch.
Earl and Jurek play Super Baseball 2020 for the Super Nintendo. Robots, Cyborgs, and Baseball?! We'll drink to that! Cilantro!!
Jurek and Earl drink Fireball Whiskey while attempting to pull off various, apparently impossible, moves in Mortal Kombat II for the Sega Genesis. As it turns out, some of the moves are rather tricky to pull off, but that doesn't matter as this game is too much fun! Cheers!
In this episode, Earl and Jurek discover Super Mario Bros. 2 for the NES is a lot tougher than they remember! Whether it's bombing Mouser, Egging Birdo, or running from Phantos, the game proves quite challenging all around! Whiskey should help!
In this episode, Jurek and Earl play Star Fox 64 while drinking Fox McCloud's, drunkenly yelling at Slippy Toad, and doing plenty of... uh... Aileron Rolls?!
In this episode, Earl and Jurek drink Bart Simpson shots while learning the horrifying truth about Bart's Nightmare for the SNES.
In this episode, Jurek and Earl join Ax Battler and crew in a drunken brawl in Golden Axe for the Sega Genesis.
In this episode, Earl and Jurek take a look at two terrible games, The Karate Kid and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, both for the NES.
In our 5th episode, Jurek and Earl strap in and take to the skies in Pilotwings 64 for the Nintendo 64.
In our 4th episode, Earl and Jurek fly through space while drinking and dying (a lot!) in Super R-Type for the SNES.
In our third episode, Jurek and Earl hit the town (or the casino zone!) with Sonic and Tails in Sonic The Hedgehog 2 for the Sega Genesis.
In Ep. 2, Earl and Jurek dodge Donkey Kong's whiskey barrels and Mario's tiny alligators (WTF?!) in Donkey Kong Classics for the NES.
In our debut episode, Earl and Jurek take a blurry eyed look at Excitebike for the NES.