The Press Play On Tape podcast is brought to you by Aaron, Tony and JCVD. We're three Tasmania-based vintage computer lovers who are always keen to talk about all 8-bit and 16-bit home computers!
It's the age of Aquarius! Episode 36 flies into town with the team chatting to Sean Harrington about the Mattel Aquarius, that curious little Z80-based computer from the house of Barbie. We talk creating new mods for the computer, a bit about it, as well as take a look into Sean's history with the system, Star Wars & more!
This episode's news:
- SMB on the ZX Speccy - https://events.retroscene.org/cafe2019/gamecompo/2217
- Sonic GX - Sonic for the Amstrad CPC+/GX4000 - http://www.cpcwiki.eu/forum/news-events/announcing-sonic-gx-a-new-episode-of-sonic-the-hedgehog-for-amstrad-gx-4000/
- Fastloaders "Amiga Rocks" album funded - can pre-order though https://c64audio.com/products/amiga-rocks-fastloaders-a-triple-cd-of-amiga-game-remixes-pre-order
- Sean's Mattel Aquarius Composite mod board on eBay - https://www.ebay.com/itm/Aquarius-Computer-Composite-Video-Out-Adapter-Board-/223672642110
Some of the games mentioned:
- Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
- Choplifter (on many, many platforms)
- Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (Aquarius)
- Utopia (Aquarius)
- Astrosmash (Aquarius, but also Tony's "Let's make a retro game" series on YouTube)
The two Aquarius Emulators referred to are "Virtual Aquarius" and "AqEmu", both of which can be found here - https://www.zophar.net/aquarius.html
You can say hi to Sean on Twitter @1stage or visit the Aquarius Community on Facebook!
Tony's webpage for his programming & games is www.electricadventures.net, along with his YouTube channel of the same name
This episode we're joined by Cameron B as Tony goes back before the MSX to take us on a Spectravideo 318 & 328 master class! In addition we debrief a bit more from PAX Australia, check out what games we've been playing and talk over some news items that caught our eye. All this and more!
This episode's news:
- Vampire Standalone has been released - http://apollo-core.com/knowledge.php?b=1¬e=23461
- PatrikRetroTech Spectravideo 3.5mm audio adapter - https://www.facebook.com/patriksretrotech/posts/2467907583287198
- Pinball Dreams Amstrad CPC - https://twitter.com/BATMAN_GROUP/status/1179130726710730752
Some of the games mentioned:
- Pyxidis
- Meteor Swarm
- Munch Mania
- Cavern Fighter
- Sydney Hunter and The Caverns of Death
- The Outer Worlds (ok, not "retro" but it's still amazing!)
- The Orange Box (and another not so "retro" title...)
You can say hi to Cameron over on Twitter @octamed
Tony's webpage for his programming & games is www.electricadventures.net, along with his YouTube channel of the same name!
Coming to you from the PAX show floor, it's Episode 34! This time we're joined by Tired Parent Mat Kapin, and Arcade Perfect's Dazza to plan some new vintage game inspired movies, remakes we'd like to see and more! An extra special thanks to Audio Technica for letting us use their recording booth at PAX once more.
Some of the games mentioned this episode:
- Untitled Goose Game
- The Vigilante Proclivities of the Longspur (that's the point & click adventure game Mat mentioned!)
- Mrs Mop
- IK+
- Deviants
- Zamzara
- Hero II
- PSI-5 Trading Company
- Paradroid
- Body Blows
The Tired Parents can be found over at https://twitch.tv/tiredparents or Mat is on Twitter as @KapinKong
Daz and the Arcade Perfect Podcast can be found at https://arcadeperfectau.podbean.com/
Damian's gaming and arcade restoration blog is at https://tehkella.net/retro
With thanks to Audio-Technica, here's episode 33 of the Press Play on Tape podcast recorded live from the Expo Hall floor back at PAX Australia 2018! This episode Aaron is joined by Marc from the Game the System Podcast to talk up how to start keeping up with the Commodore 64 (as if you aren't already!). Tips on finding hardware, games to look at and other ways to get involved with the community behind one of the world's best loved home computers.
If you'd love to hear more of Marc and the GTS crew, they're found at http://gamethesystem.co/ or in all major podcast apps!
Where can you find us?
- Visit us at https://ppot.audio to find links to this show, as well as all our older episodes
- You can find us on iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – we’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there!
- We can be found on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
- Tony has his game reviews, pickups and more over on the Electric Adventures YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/user/electricadventures
- You can read up on some of Damian's restoration projects here - http://www.tehkella.net/retro/
- Outro track - Roland's Rat Race main theme (C64)
Intro theme "Exolon Remix" by Ash Read and Nicholas Jones used with permission
Come in Vic Viper, we've got a mission for you! Pilot your way through some of the PPOT team's favourite shoot'em ups from across a wide range of platforms, and report back. Only you can complete this mission - Do not fail us!
Episode 32 is GO!
Where can you find us?
- Visit us at https://ppot.audio to find links to this show, as well as all our older episodes
- You can find us on iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – we’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there!
- We can be found on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
- Tony has his game reviews, pickups and more over on the Electric Adventures YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/user/electricadventures
- You can read up on some of Damian's restoration projects here - http://www.tehkella.net/retro/
Intro theme "Exolon Remix" by Ash Read and Nicholas Jones used with permission
Welcome to the 68000 mile rally! The PPOT crew have their Zoomers in hand, and are all buckled in to take the Amiga for a spin through some of their favourite driving games.
Links to cool stuff mentioned in the episode:
- The Gigatron TTL Kit PC Tony picked up https://gigatron.io
- Retro Revolutions has the Consolised Atari Lynx videos at https://youtube.com/channel/UCfqax0cikE8pDajVM3DY7cg
Where can you find us?
- We're bought to you with the support of our Sponsors Bartronica, Pinball Paradise & Ms. Bartronica! Head to http://bartronica.com/ to check them out
- Visit us at https://ppot.audio to find links to this, and all our older episodes
- You can find us on iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – we’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there!
- We can be found on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
- Tony has his game reviews, pickups and more over on the Electric Adventures YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/user/electricadventures
- You can read up on some of Damian's restoration projects here - http://www.tehkella.net/retro/
Intro theme "Exolon Remix" by Ash Read and Nicholas Jones used with permission
What does the Z80, Japan, Deathsmiles and the Amstrad CPC Enterprise all have in common? They're all talked about this episode as Tony and Aaron are joined by Keith from chibiakumas.com! We chat to Keith about Chibi Akumas, his bullet-hell shooter for the Amstrad CPC, MSX2 and more, as well as taking a look into his experience working with Z80 assembly across a number of different platforms.
Links to cool stuff mentioned in the episode:
- Keith's website can be found at http://www.chibiakumas.com
- Rob Caporetto has his YouTube channel at https://youtube.com/user/hellfire64
- Retro Revolutions has the Consolised Lynx video & more at https://youtube.com/channel/UCfqax0cikE8pDajVM3DY7cg
Where can you find us?
- We're bought to you with the support of our Sponsors Bartronica, Pinball Paradise & Ms. Bartronica! Head to http://bartronica.com/ to check them out
- Visit us at https://ppot.audio to find links to this, and all our older episodes
- You can find us on iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – we’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there!
- We can be found on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
- Tony has his game reviews, pickups and more over on the Electric Adventures YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/user/electricadventures
- You can read up on some of Damian's restoration projects here - http://www.tehkella.net/retro/
Intro theme "Exolon Remix" by Ash Read and Nicholas Jones used with permission
After being stuck in a recursive loop for 6 months, PPOT is back and better than ever!
In this episode Jay Aldred drops by for a catch up to talk about his games, both past and future. Starting with a bit of a Galencia post-mortem, Jay also talks about what we can expect from Khaos Sphere when it drops in the future (Soon™? When it's done? Listen and find out!).
And to celebrate our return, we've got three digital download copies of Galencia for the C64 to give away. Listen in to find out how you can win a copy, then head over to our website to enter!
Links to cool stuff mentioned in the episode:
- Jay can be found on Twitter @JasonNapalm or on his Patreon page
- Looking to buy a copy of Galencia? Visit http://galencia.games
- Reset64
- Freeze64 Magazine
Where can you find us?
- We're bought to you with the support of our Sponsors Bartronica, Pinball Paradise & Ms. Bartronica! Head to http://bartronica.com/ to check them out
- Visit us at https://ppot.audio to find links to this, and all our older episodes
- You can find us on iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – we’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there!
- We can be found on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
- Tony has his game reviews, pickups and more over on the Electric Adventures YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/user/electricadventures
- You can read up on some of Damian's restoration projects here - http://www.tehkella.net/retro/
Intro theme "Exolon Remix" by Ash Read and Nicholas Jones used with permission
Engage Code Omega, it's time for a pre-PAX Classing Gaming Area podcast! Aaron is joined by Ausretrogamer, Serby from Weird & Retro, and first time podcaster Greg Pell to talk about what you can expect from the Classic Gaming Area at the Australian Penny Arcade Expo this year. Classic computers, pinball, arcade, as well as what competitions you can sink your teeth into (or be jealous of if you can't make it!).
There's going to be something for everyone this year, so listen in and be tempted!
Where can you find us?
- We're bought to you with the support of our Sponsors Bartronica, Pinball Paradise & Ms. Bartronica! Head to http://bartronica.com/ to check them out!
- This episode, along with all previous ones can always be found at http://pressplayontape.podbean.com.
- You can find us on iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – we’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there. It all helps!
- We can be found on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
- Tony has his game reviews, pickups and more over on the Electric Adventures YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/user/electricadventures
- You can read up on some of Damian's restoration projects here - http://www.tehkella.net/retro/
- For all other things retrogaming related, make sure to check out Retro Domination - http://www.retrodomination.com
- Or for pop culture, board gaming and other Geeky stuff, check out Geekdom United - http://www.retrodomination.com/category/geekdom
- Want more Daz? He and Sean Tagg host the Arcade Perfect Podcast - http://arcadeperfectau.podbean.com/
Intro theme "Exolon Remix" by Ash Read and Nicholas Jones used with permission
This month we're joined by c64audio.com's very own Chris Abbott to discuss all things Rob Hubbard! A project many years in the making, Chris is currently in the final stages of bringing Project Hubbard to life - a massive project dedicated to the life & career of Rob, including a book, new music and more!
You can find the Kickstarter for Project Hubbard, including a number of the preview tracks & games at http://www.projecthubbard.com
Chris's work, along with much more can be found at https://c64audio.com/
Thanks for listening!
Where can you find us?
- We're bought to you with the support of our Sponsors Bartronica, Pinball Paradise & Ms. Bartronica! Head to http://bartronica.com/ to check them out!
- This episode, along with all previous ones can always be found at http://pressplayontape.podbean.com.
- You can find us on iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – we’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there. It all helps!
- We can be found on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
- Tony has his game reviews, pickups and more over on the Electric Adventures YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/user/electricadventures
- You can read up on some of Damian's restoration projects at http://www.tehkella.net/retro/
- For all other things retrogaming related, make sure to check out Retro Domination at http://www.retrodomination.com
- Or for pop culture, board gaming and other Geeky stuff, check out Geekdom United at http://www.retrodomination.com/category/geekdom
Intro theme "Exolon Remix" by Ash Read and Nicholas Jones used with permission
In this second half of our look into modern media solutions for our favourite vintage micros, the PPOT crew are once more joined by Retro Domination's Daz. Have a listen as we talk about our experiences with the multitude of options available to help bypass reliance on aging media formats!
Devices discussed include (but not limited to!):
"GoTeK" USB 3.5" Floppy emulator: The drives themselves? eBay or Aliexpress!
Amiga "Cortex" firmware: https://cortexamigafloppydrive.wordpress.com/
HxC Floppy Emulator firmware for GoTeK: http://hxc2001.free.fr/floppy_drive_emulator/
VIC-20 Penultimate Cart & ZX Speccy DivMMC: The Future was 8-Bit http://www.tfw8b.com
MSX MegaflashROM SCC+ SD: http://www.msxcartridgeshop.com/
Atarimax MyIDE: https://www.atarimax.com/myide/documentation/
Sega SC-3000 "Survivors Multicart": http://www.sc3000-multicart.com/
Brisbane C64 & Retrogaming night information: https://www.facebook.com/Brisbane-C64-Night-AKA-Midnight-Resurgence-1746806352202680/
Thanks for listening!
Where can you find us?
- Episode bought to you with the support of our Sponsor Bartronica, Pinball Paradise & Ms. Bartronica! Head to http://bartronica.com/ to check them out!
- This episode, along with all previous ones can always be found at http://pressplayontape.podbean.com.
- You can find us on iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – we’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there. It all helps!
- We can be found on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
- Tony has his game reviews, pickups and more over on the Electric Adventures YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/user/electricadventures
- You can read up on some of Damian's restoration projects at http://www.tehkella.net/retro/
- For all other things retrogaming related, make sure to check out Retro Domination at http://www.retrodomination.com
- Or for pop culture, board gaming and other Geeky stuff, check out Geekdom United at http://www.retrodomination.com/category/geekdom
Intro theme "Exolon Remix" by Ash Read and Nicholas Jones used with permission
Magnetic media wiping you out? Are your floppies getting bent out of shape? Or is the cost of chasing old software burning your wallet? In this 2-part episode, the PPOT crew are joined by Retro Domination's Daz to look at the various modern solutions for our favourite 8- & 16-bit micros. Have a listen as we talk about our experiences with the multitude of options available to help bypass reliance on aging media formats!
Devices discussed include:
1541 Ultimate-II+: http://1541ultimate.net
Various C64 uIEC-based solutions - Read more here: https://www.c64-wiki.com/wiki/%C2%B5IEC
C64 SD2IEC, VIC-20 Penultimate Cart & ZX Speccy DivMMC: The Future was 8-Bit http://www.tfw8b.com
MSX MegaflashROM SCC+ SD: http://www.msxcartridgeshop.com/
C64 Easyflash: http://skoe.de/easyflash/doku.php
Brisbane C64 & Retrogaming night information: https://www.facebook.com/Brisbane-C64-Night-AKA-Midnight-Resurgence-1746806352202680/
Thanks for listening!
Where can you find us?
- Episode bought to you with the support of our Sponsor Bartronica, Pinball Paradise & Ms. Bartronica! Head to http://bartronica.com/ to check them out
- This episode, along with all previous ones can always be found at http://pressplayontape.podbean.com.
- You can find us on iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – we’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there. It all helps!
- We can be found on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
- Tony has his game reviews, pickups and more over on the Electric Adventures YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/user/electricadventures
- You can read up on some of Damian's restoration projects at http://www.tehkella.net/retro/
- For all other things retrogaming related, make sure to check out Retro Domination at http://www.retrodomination.com
- Or for pop culture, board gaming and other Geeky stuff, check out Geekdom United at http://www.retrodomination.com/category/geekdom
Intro theme "Exolon Remix" by Ash Read and Nicholas Jones used with permission
Welcome to the first (of hopefully many) Press Play on Tape Developer Diaries!
For this episode, we're talking to Jay - aka PC Baker - who is behind the upcoming Commodore 64 arcade shooter Galencia! We talk to Jay about his background with assembly language programming on the Commodore 64, the influences behind Galencia, and get a bit of an inside look into his work so far.
Jay's ongoing development thread for Galencia (including a link to grab the most recent beta!) can be found here: http://www.lemon64.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=64421
The Highway Guy (who did Galencia's music) can be found on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4lsmJcOviEiuuI7vmroLYg
Thanks for listening!
Where can you find us?
- This episode along with all previous ones can always be found at http://pressplayontape.podbean.com.
- You can find us on iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – we’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there. It all helps!
- We can be found on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
- Tony has his game reviews, pickups and more over on the Electric Adventures YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/user/electricadventures
- You can read up on some of Damian's restoration projects at http://www.tehkella.net/retro/
- For all other things retrogaming related, make sure to check out Retro Domination at http://www.retrodomination.com
- Or for pop culture, board gaming and other Geeky stuff, check out Geekdom United at http://www.retrodomination.com/category/geekdom
Intro theme "Exolon Remix" by Ash Read and Nicholas Jones used with permission
Arcade conversions have always been a curious beast. Back in the day, the closest we'd get to playing the latest game for free would be the home ports by Publishers like US Gold or Ocean. Sometimes they fantastic, sometimes they were a bit meh, and sometimes you got Chase HQ.
This month JCVD finally gets his chance to talk arcade games, as the PPOT team takes a look at some of their personal favourite home conversions, and a couple that were memorable for the wrong reasons...
Thanks for listening, and as always hope you enjoy the chat as much as we did!
Where can you find us?
- This episode along with all previous ones can always be found at http://pressplayontape.podbean.com. You can find us on iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – we’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there. It all helps!
- We can be found on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
- Tony has his game reviews, pickups and more over on the Electric Adventures YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/user/electricadventures
- You can read up on some of Damian's restoration projects on his site at http://www.tehkella.net/retro/
- For all other things retrogaming related, make sure to check out Retro Domination at http://www.retrodomination.com
Intro theme "Exolon Remix" used with permission by Ash Read and Nicholas Jones
This month we're joined by c64.com's own Andreas Wallström to talk about his upcoming book Commodore 64: For the Love of a Machine! Andreas chats to us about the book, and why he feels so strongly about giving back to the C64 community and ensuring that stories from the likes of Al Charpentier and Bob Yannes, or cracking legend Zoltan Kelemen a.k.a. Mr.Z/Triad are not lost the sands of time.
We hope you enjoy the interview as much as we did recording it!
You can find the Kickstarter page for Commodore 64: For the Love of a Machine here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/wallstrom/commodore-64-for-the-love-of-a-machine
Andreas can be found over at http://www.c64.com, on Twitter @C64_com, and some of his musical efforts on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/user/AndreasWallstrom.
And don't forget that there's still time to win a copy of Graham Axten's The Bear Essentials with thanks to Pond Software! Competition closes 11:59pm AEST April 30, check out our Facebook page or Twitter feed for more. Also make sure to head over to http://pondsoft.uk and take a look at The Bear Essentials, as well as a number of the other Pond games currently available!
Outro track: 6581 covering Last Ninja II at Back in Time Live Stockholm 2008
Where can you find us?
- This episode along with all previous ones can always be found at http://pressplayontape.podbean.com. You can find us on iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – we’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there. It all helps!
- We can be found on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
- Tony has his game reviews, pickups and more over on the Electric Adventures YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/user/electricadventures
- You can read up on some of Damian's restoration projects on his site at http://www.tehkella.net/retro/
- For all other things retrogaming related, make sure to check out Retro Domination at http://www.retrodomination.com
Intro theme "Exolon Remix" used with permission by Ash Read and Nicholas Jones
The British return to Press Play on Tape once more, with Amiga MOD maker extraordinaire, member of the RGDS Podcast, and all-round awesome guy Aaron White jumping on the show for a chat. Damian, along with special guest host Daz have a chat with Aaron about his Amiga music making, to the games he grew up with & much more!
For our publisher of choice, Aaron W chose British Hannah Barbara fans HI-Tec Software for this month, and helps set the record straight around some of their unknown gems - including the only recently re-discovered & released Daffy Duck game!
And as an added bonus, listen to how you can win a copy of Graham Axten's The Bear Essentials with thanks to Pond Software! Competition closes 11:59pm AEST April 30, so get to it. Head over to http://pondsoft.uk to take a look at The Bear Essentials, as well as a number of the other Pond games currently available!
Aaron White's YouTube channel can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGOu0lFyWfonLIC7Mdu3i-Q/videos
You can also find his mix disks for Amiga here: http://www.indieretronews.com/search/label/Aaron%20White?m=0
or here: http://www.vintageisthenewold.com/tag/aaron-white/
Outro track this month is the title theme from The Bear Essentials.
Where can you find us?
This episode along with all previous ones can always be found at http://pressplayontape.podbean.com. You can find us on iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – we’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there. It all helps!
We can be found on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
Tony has his game reviews, pickups and more over on the Electric Adventures YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/user/electricadventures
You can read up on some of Damian's restoration projects on his site at http://www.tehkella.net/retro/
Intro theme "Exolon Remix" used with permission by Ash Read and Nicholas Jones
Got some computers needing a bit of love? Then this month’s episode of Press Play on Tape is for you! On the back of a few recent repairs and restorations of their own, the team decided this month to talk through some of their favourite hints & tips. Where to start with a non-working system? Cap kits or not? Is Retrobrite for you? All this, and a lot more...
For our Publisher this month we’ve gathered our lamp and ventured into the dark to discuss the text adventure legends: Infocom! Tony and Aaron go over some of their favourite games, along with Damian dropping a shock bombshell!
Even if you’re not handy with a soldering iron or screwdriver, there’s still something for everyone this month. Kick back, have a listen and enjoy!
Where can you find us?
This episode along with all previous ones can always be found at http://pressplayontape.podbean.com. You can find us on iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – we’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there. It all helps!
We can be found on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
Tony has his game reviews, pickups and more over on the Electric Adventures YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/user/electricadventures
You can read up on some of Damian's restoration projects on his site at http://www.tehkella.net/retro/
Press Play on Tape is a part of the Console Domaination Gaming Network.
Here comes a new Challenger! You might have seen him on our Facebook page (if not, come have a look), so now it's time to meet Mr. JCVD - aka. Damian - as he joins the Press Play on Tape team as our third co-host.
This month we're taking a look at the year that was 2016, and what some of our favourite Vintage Computer pick ups were. Not only that, we dive into what our "Holy Grail" wish list for 2017 looks like!
Wishing all our listeners and supporters a fantastic Christmas, and we'll be back bigger and better in 2017!
Outro track is Magical Sound Shower from Outrun (C64).
Where can you find us?
This episode along with all previous ones can always be found at http://pressplayontape.podbean.com. You can find us on iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – we’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there. It all helps!
We can be found on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
Tony has his game reviews, pickups and more over on the Electric Adventures YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/user/electricadventures
You can read up on some of Damian's restoration projects on his site at http://www.tehkella.net/retro/
Press Play on Tape is a part of the Console Domaination Gaming Network.
(Heads up - due to some problems in recording, the audio quality isn't fantastic. Sorry!)
After a short hiatus and some technical fun, Press Play on Tape flips sides and loads in a new adventure!
Aaron welcomes one of the podcast's new hosts, none other than fellow Tasmanian: Tony Cruise! You might remember him from his MSX masterclass back in episode 5, and he's on-board to help share the hosting duties and bring some vintage computing programming expertise to the crew (not to mention pour some MSX-flavoured water on the C64 love!). We also talk through some of the highlights from the Classic Gaming Area at PAX Australia 2016 - Just how long did the River Raid comp go for you ask? Listen and find out...
Publisher of choice this month was Newsfield's own in-house studio: Thalamus! Known for kick-ass music, developer journals in Crash & Zzap64!, Thalamus has quite the legacy to look back over.
Kick back, tune in and join us as we Press Play on Episode 19!
Outro track is an Atari 8-bit version of the Sanxion theme.
Where can you find us?
This episode along with all previous ones can always be found at http://pressplayontape.podbean.com. You can find us on iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – we’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there. It all helps!
We're found on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
Tony has his game reviews, pickups and more over on the Electric Adventures YouTube page at https://www.youtube.com/user/electricadventures
As always, thanks to http://www.ausretrogamer.com and http://www.retrodomination.com for their ongoing support!
The tape is rewound, the counter set to zero, and that means only one thing: it’s time to Press Play on Tape! This month, Alex, Daz and Aaron are joined by Serby from Weird and Retro to take a look back at Atari’s 8-bit computer range. Alex runs us through Atari’s lineup, spanning from the Atari 400 to the ST-inspired 130XE, before handing over the Serby to discuss his beloved XE Games System!
After picking Llamasoft as Publisher of Choice for this month, the crew discuss the many weird and wonderful games they’ve given us over the years. The group also discovers that Jeff Minter’s games were responsible for them getting the Atari Jaguar, Nuon and the PS Vita!
On a more subdued note, it’s with great sadness that this episode sees us saying goodbye to Alex and Darren from the show. Both have made the difficult decision to step down from regular hosting duties in order to focus on other projects. The show will go on, but they both will be missed.
Thanks for listening, and we hope you enjoy this month’s episode!
This episode along with all previous ones can be found at http://pressplayontape.podbean.com. You can also find us on iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – we’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there. It all helps!
You can also find us on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
As always, thanks to http://www.ausretrogamer.com and http://www.retrodomination.com for their ongoing support!
As Commodore 64 month draws to a close, episode 17 of Press Play on Tape rolls in to prove that the Commodore is still keeping up with you!
Hosts Alex and Aaron are joined by Ant Stiller and Hellfire64’s Rob Caporetto on a roundtable discussion on everyone’s favourite 34 year old bread bin. The group discusses what makes the system special to them, how they’ve been celebrating C64 month, and if there’s anything they’d ever do to change the system. There is also a look at some of the brand new releases that have caught their eye in recent times, and a few of the upcoming titles on the horizon.
The audience were challenged to tell us what game defined the Commodore 64 for them. The lads definitely weren’t ready for the overwhelming response - definitely proving that people are still keeping up with the Commodore!
If you’d like to see Rob in action, he posts weekly game reviews, previews and hardware videos on his YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/c/hellfire64
This episode along with all previous ones can be found at http://pressplayontape.podbean.com. You can also find us on iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – we’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there. It all helps!
You can also find us on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
As always, thanks to http://www.ausretrogamer.com and http://www.retrodomination.com for their ongoing support!
Press Play on Tape Episode 16: The one where Sega released a computer
Is it See-ga, or Say-ga? This, and many more things are discussed as your PRESS PLAY ON TAPE Podcast hosts Alex, Daz and Aaron take a look at that one time Sega entered the Home Computer market. Joined by Tim from the Retro Domination & +3 to Geekdom podcasts, we explore Sega’s history in the lead up to, and following the release of their SC-3000 computer.
The group discusses the different versions of the SC-3000 and where it was released, before taking a peek under the hood to see what hardware drove it. Listen as we talk through some of the accessories Sega made for it – including what might be one of the most expensive floppy disk add-ons ever! It’d be a boring computer without the games, and given SEGA’s arcade history there’s plenty to be discussed. The team runs through some of the games for the SC-3000, including a unique hidden gem from two of Sega’s greatest developers that you’ll only find on the SC-3000 (and SG-1000)!
This month Daz finally got his chance to pick Activision as the publisher of choice, who almost need no introduction. As the world’s first independent games publisher, they have an overwhelming history of games to choose from, yet our listeners still manage to pull a few out from left-field.
Regardless of how you pronounce SEGA, the Press Play on Tape team won’t judge you, and hope you enjoy this month’s episode!
This episode along with all previous ones can be found at http://pressplayontape.podbean.com. You can also find us in iTunes by searching for Press Play on Tape Podcast – We’d love it if you gave us a review while you’re there. It all helps!
You can also find us on Facebook by searching for Press Play on Tape podcast, and on Twitter @PPOT_Podcast
In addition, our Podcast episodes can found on http://www.ausretrogamer.com and http://www.retrodomination.com – Thanks to both sites for their ongoing support.
For those who revel in all things board gaming and pop culture, Tim and co-host Mark run the +3 to Geekdom podcast over at http://plus3togeekdom.podbean.com