Amstrad PC-20 (Sinclair PC200)
The Amstrad PC-20 is a PC-XT clone with 512KByte RAM. It has MDA video (Text only) and a math co-processor.
The machine is a white version of the Sinclair PC200. It features a 8086 CPU, 2 ISA slots and came with DOS 3.3.
The PC-20 has a micro-computer like case, with the keyboard and computer in one. This causes problems if one tries to use the ISA slots, you can only use expansion cards, if you leave the flap of the computer case open.

Intel 8086 CPU
The 8086 CPU from Intel is a 16-bit microprocessor and was designed between 1976 and 1978. The 8086 is the foundation of the x86 cpu architecture which is Intel's most successful line of processors.
The 8086 used the same microarchitecture as the 8-bit 8008, the 8080, and the 8085. This allowed assembly language programs to run seamlesly on the 8086. New instructions and features were added and the bus structure was designed to allow for collaboration with co-processors, such as the 8087 that was released later.
Source: WikiPedia