Sord  Sord M243
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With the SORD M243 came in a few configurations, the Mark II, Mark III, Mark IV, and the Mark V. All of these versions where basically the same machine, but with different drive configurations. The computer pictured here is the Sord M243 mark IV and has two built in 5.25" disk drives.

The M243 came with an integral 12-inch monochrome CRT monitor, a keyboard with built in numeric key-pad, four RS232C serial ports, and a single parallel printer port. The machine came with the PIPS spreadsheet/database software.

Technical Details
Released 1980 Brand Sord Type Sord M Series Name Sord M243 CPU Class Z80 CPU Z80A @4MHz Memory RAM: 192kB
RAM max: 1MB
Sound Chip unknown Sound unknown Display Chip unknown Display 80x25 text, 640x400 graphics Best Text 80x25 Best Color monochrome Best Graphics 640x400 Sprites none System OS Monitor System Storage Internal 5.25" Floppy Disk Drives.
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Related Media
Collection of books on the Z80 8-bit CPU used in various home-computers
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