Coleco Telstar  Telstar Combat
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Telstar Combat

The Telstar Combat is the first console to use the AY-3-8700 chip known as "Tank" chip since it was used to “emulate” the Kee Games Tank game. The Combat has 4 joysticks, two per player and it’s the strangest among all the Telstar consoles. Among the first generation consoles, this was the first console that was not a "Pong" clone, but a completely different set of games.

There are four playable games. Each player uses two joysticks for the game.

Technical Details
Released 1978 Brand Coleco Telstar Type Coleco Telstar TV Games Name Telstar Combat CPU Class AY-3-8xxx CPU General Instruments AY-3-8700 "Tank" chip Memory RAM: none Sound Chip none Sound One channel mono beeps Display Chip GI AY-3-8700 Display Color games Best Color Color Best Graphics TV Resolution Sprites none System OS Proprietary Storage none, built in games
Related Systems
Coleco Telstar TV Games
Telstar  Combat (1978)
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