Odyssey  Magnavox Odyssey 400
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Magnavox Odyssey 400

The Magnavox Odyssey 400 was released as an upgraded version of the Odyssey 200. It has the same three knob style controllers as the Odyssey 200 and the same Texas Instruments multiple integrated circuits. In addition it had another Texas Instruments chip that was dedicated to score-keeping on the screen, rather than the plastic sliders integrated in the case of the 200.

The Odyssey 400 did not have the new "Paddle and Ball" chip that the Odyssey 300 used. Instead the machine used the 200 architecture and played the same games as that machine.

Technical Details
Released 1976 Brand Magnavox Type Odyssey TV Games Name Magnavox Odyssey 400 CPU Class LOGIC CPU Dedicated ICs, no cpu Memory RAM: none Sound Chip none Sound Single tone buzzer. Display Chip Dedicated ICs Display Black and White Best Color Black and White Best Graphics Black and white, 3 dots, 1 line Sprites none Original Price $99.99
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