Timex/Sinclair  TS 2048
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Timex Computer 2048

The Timex Computer 2048 is an odd one, it is not a Timex design, but rather a ZX Spectrum clone, produced in Portugal in 1984. There are a few differences with the Spectrum, notable is the simulation of an 80 column text mode, and the keyboard is better than the rubber Spectrum keys

The computer was not sold outside of Portugal and Poland. Intially the intent was for the TC2048 to be released in the USA, but technical difficulties slowed down production and consumer confidence in the machine.

The 2048 lacks the Sinclair name, and is called Timex Computer 2048, where-as the other successor to the ZX81 is called the Timex Sinclair 2068

Technical Details
Released 1984 Brand Timex Computers Portugal Type Timex/Sinclair ZX/TS Series Name TS 2048 CPU Class Z80 CPU Zilog Z80A @3.58MHz Memory RAM: 48kB
ROM: 16kB
Sound Chip none Sound 1-bit sound Display Chip ULA Display 32x24 Text, 256x192 8 color, 512x192 mono graphics Best Text 32x24 Best Color 8 colors Best Graphics 512x192 monochrome Sprites none System OS Sinclair BASIC Storage External Tape
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