MSX  Sanyo MPC-2300
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Sanyo PHC-23J or Wavy23

The Sanyo MPC-2300 is basically a Sanyo Wavy-23 computer but adapted for the Soviet Union. This computer was only available to schools, and not sold to the general public.

The MPC-2300 has a Russian keyboard and comes with a non-standard modem. The normal MSX-BASIC call "CALL COMINI" does not work, and there is a physical switch on the modem to initialize the serial port.

Technical Details
Released 1987 Brand Sanyo Type MSX 2 Name Sanyo MPC-2300 CPU Class Z80 CPU Zilog Z80A @3.58MHz Memory RAM: 128kB
VRAM: 128kB
Sound Chip General Instruments AY-3-8910 Programmable Sound Generator Sound 3 wave channels + white noise Display Chip V9938 Display All MSX-1 modes
256x212 16 color
512x212 4 color
512x212 2 color
256x212 256 color
Best Color 256 simultaneous, or 16 out of 512 colors Best Graphics 512x424 interlaced Sprites 1 color, 16x16, 4/scanline, 32 total System OS MSX 2 BIOS / MSX 2 BASIC Storage External Tape, ROM cartridges
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