Commodore  Amiga 2500
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Commodore Amiga A2500

The Amiga 2500 is basically the same machine as the Amiga 2000, but with a different base configuration. The CPU has been upgraded via an accelerator board to a Motorola 68020 running at 14.3MHz but an accelerator card was available with a Motorola 68030 running at 25MHz. The accellerator card was also sold separately as the A2620 (68020 CPU) and the A2630 (68030 CPU) to upgrade the Amiga 2000. The Amiga 2500 also came with the Motorola 68881 Floating Point Unit and the Motorola 68851 Memory Management Unit. The A2630 accellerator card came with the 68882 Floating Point Unit and a built in Memory Management Unit.

The Amiga 2500 was built on the same motherboard but using an accelerator card to upgrade the CPU, the original 68000 CPU was unused. This was not cost-effective and the machine got eventually replaced with the Amiga 3000, which had the upgraded CPU built in.

Technical Details
Released 1987 Brand Commodore Type Commodore Amiga Desktops Name Amiga 2500 CPU Class 68000 CPU Motorola 68020 @14.3MHz Memory RAM: 1MB
RAM max: 8MB
ROM: 256kB
Sound Chip Paula - 4 DMA-driven 8-bit PCM channels Sound 4x8-bit channels @28 kHz stereo Display Chip Denise Display 320x200 in 4096 colors
640x200 in 16 colors
1280x200 in 4 colors
Vertical resolution could be doubled using interlacing.
Best Color 12-bit color, 4096 simultanuous Best Graphics 1280x400i (Enhanced Chipset Only) Sprites 8 16pixel wide/scanline 3 colors System OS AmigaOS 2.0 Storage 2x Chinon FB-354 3.5" FDD
43MB Fujitsu M2227D2 HDD
A2090A HDD Controller
Original Price $1,500
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