Soviet Era Computers  Didaktik Gama
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Didaktik Gama

Produced in the Czecholovak republic in 1987, the Didaktik Gama is a straight forward ZX Spectrum clone, which were very popular in the Eastern European countries in Soviet times.

It had some unique features, such as 80KByte of RAM, which was switchable. It consisted of one block of 16K and two switchable blocks of 32K RAM. The CPU was a Z80 clone and it had a 16KByte ROM chip with a clone of the ZX Spectrum BASIC language

Didaktik started by cloning Tesla's PMD 85 computer, in an effort to make it faster. Then the company changed course and decided to clone a western model, the ZX Spectrum, because of it's popularity.

Technical Details
Released 1987 Brand Didaktic Type Soviet Era Computers Name Didaktik Gama Clone Of ZX Spectrum CPU Class Z80 CPU Z80A @3.5MHz Memory RAM: 80kB Sound Chip none Sound 1-bit sound Display Chip none Display 32x24 text, 256x192 graphics Best Text 32x24 Best Color none Best Graphics 256x192 Sprites none System OS Sinclair BASIC
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Didaktik  Gama (1987)
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