Soviet Era Computers  Orel BK-08
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Orel BK-08

The Orel BK-08 is a Sinclair ZX-Spectrum clone produced in Dnepropetrovsk in the Ukraine around 1993.

The computer has 64KByte of RAM, and like many other eastern european spectrum clones implements most of it's logic using TTL logic chips. The Spectrum ROM is contained in PROM chips. The video output is RGB+Sync, something most older Russian and Soviet television sets were able to handle. The unit came with a demostration cassette with a MZ80 monitor program, and some testing software. Interesting detail on the keyboard are the two keys that control the Reset and NMI signals of the CPU.

The CPU is a Korean Goldstar Z80, rather than a Soviet clone. The computer had a unique ability to load software into a special area, called Shadow Ram. After a reset, the computer would then execute the program in this RAM as if it were reading a ROM.

As most Eastern European clones, the keyboard is made up of individual magnetic reed switches, which is reliable but more expensive than western style keyboards.

Technical Details
Released 1994 Brand Dnepropetrovsk Machine Building Plant Type Soviet Era Computers Name Orel BK-08 Clone Of ZX Spectrum CPU Class Z80 CPU Zilog Z80A @3.5MHz Memory RAM: 64kB
ROM: 16kB
Sound Chip none Sound 1-bit sound Display Chip none Display 32x24 Text, 256x192 16 color graphics Best Text 32x24 Best Color 16 colors Best Graphics 256x192 in 16 colors Sprites none System OS Sinclair BASIC
Related Systems
Soviet Era Computers
Orel  BK-08 (1994)
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