Soviet Era Computers  Didaktik M
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Didaktik M

The Didaktik M was another ZX Spectrum clone, but instead of the ULA chip for display, it used the Soviet Angstrem T34BΓ1 chip. It had 64KB RAM built in, but only 48K was usable as there was no bank-switching provided, and 16K of the Z80's 64K address space was taken up by the BASIC ROM.

Because of the Anstrem chip, display was sllightly different, the screen's aspect ratio was not really 4:3. The reason for the chip choice was that it had better thermal stability, something that earlier Didaktik computers and the computers they were based on lacked, causing overheating issues.

Technical Details
Released 1990 Brand Didaktik Type Soviet Era Computers Name Didaktik M Clone Of ZX Spectrum CPU Class Z80 CPU Z80 @4MHz Memory RAM: 48kB Sound Chip none Sound 1-bit sound Display Chip Soviet Angstrem Display 32x22 text
256x192 8 colors
Best Text 32x22 Best Color 8 colors Best Graphics 256x192 in 8 colors Sprites none System OS Sinclair BASIC
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Soviet Era Computers
Didaktik  M (1990)
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